Chapter 14: Lissa

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I don't think I've ever been this happy. Like, never.

Even Diana thinks I look different. I took as a compliment, anyways.

Daniel was already in the cafeteria when I got there. I knew things would be different after what happened yesterday. Very different. I mean, we didn't do anything bad or wrong. We simply kissed a little. And it wasn't even a strong, passionate kiss either. It was just a simple kiss. That I enjoyed very much.

I guess we're actually "together" now. And surprisingly, I feel great.

I sit beside him and he gives me a smile. "Good morning, sunshine."

I reach over him for the bread. "I would ask how you slept but I think I already know."

He laughs. "It can't be that obvious."

"If you insist."

Diana groans. "Seriously, you guys. I'm happy for you. Buts already starting to get annoying."

I roll my eyes. "So where were you last night?" I ask, changing the subject.

She sighs. "With Peter. He's really upset about Joshua. I've never seen a guy that upset."

"Is he in his room alone?" Daniel asks.

Diana shakes her head. "Macy's there too."

As if on cue, both Peter and Macy sit at our table.

"Good morning," I say, a little too excitedly.

Peter covers his face. "I'm exhausted. I didn't sleep at all last night."

Macy gives him a sad look. "You look exhausted. I don't know why they don't just let you skip the meetings for today. It's not like we do anything important."

I look up. "What did you say?"

She looks at me. "About what?"

"They won't let you skip today?" After what happened?"

Peter shakes his head. "Today is important," he says mockingly.

Indeed it is.
"Alright," One says to the crowd of teenagers. "Today is an important day for you kids."

"Why?" someone yells from the crowd, causing everyone to start talking at once.

"Silence," all the leaders order.

The room starts quieting down a little.

One glares around the room. "As I said, today is an important day for you kids. Because today, you will take..." he pauses for a moment to ensure that everyone is paying attention. "Today you are taking The Test."

My breath gets caught in my throat.

Daniel looks at me. "Are you okay"?

But I don't say anything.

My mom said this would happen. My mom warned me. Oh my gosh. What if something happens? What if I don't pass?

She said they test the strategy levels of teens. The Test improving with whatever strategy they come up with. I hadn't warned my group fast enough. I hadn't told them this was going to happen.

"The Test is simple," Five explains. "We lock you in a room with your group and give you some papers, like in school. But each paper will have something different on it. You move up a scale of you pass this one. But if you don't..." she trails off.

Her hesitation is making me nervous.

"If you don't," Seven fills in for her. "We send you back."

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