bith of Renee

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September 13, 1985, Janet's pov pain came through my body u get this OK  all am going have u to push OK  alright  I'll push one more time oh my God she is so beautiful   I couldn't even  imagine that was a mother  I guess that's  the only thing that came out this when I saw her    I feel ❤️   I was bit scared  about it  once I saw her  all of that went  away  I can't believe  this  of course  my parents  were upset  about  me getting  married  well u mother  now but this will force  u to grow  up  once I found out I was pregnant   things wit me n her father  wasn't   going  anywhere  we end up get divorced  after  they found it about  it  well would  u look at that my ill baby  sister  have a baby   well I guess  we have to do  deal wit well it's my baby so I have to u have us OK   now here I  was  mother  it really  wasn't  about  me or James anymore  its about  our child we have together   please  tell me he knows  about  it I signed  u will tell him the boy deserves  to know if he got  a kid out there  the way he us now I really  don't not think so  I know  I couldn't  trust  that boy not now joe as much I really  doubt that  why would  u do it  I feel really  low about  well u have baby I wanted  u to be married  .

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