motherly advice

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Janet Jackson's pov, no honey. u do it like  this OK  sorry  its your first time  now here. I am changing  dappers  . Are u going to change  it  every  n again? That's  how we had to do times are different mothers  u right  about  children. u a young mother, it's going  to take time  only thing I could  tell u always  be there for your  child  am going  to give u some advice  about being a mother  what's  that  we don't  always  do it right  ne there for her wen she needs it  there  no book  on how to be mother  I was learning  as I went along well u had grandmother  welll that to   just look at her she not going to always  be this way  u been  mother  a long time u ik how to raise  children  but u also  have to raise  her how u see fit   teach her to respect  it was a different  time janet   the only  difference  nobody's  wanted  to alll of u u know how hard  it was well  she going to be walking  soon  yeah u seee times like  that  have to cherish  things like that  I know u afraid  honey   it's 24/7 job  having alll of u was hard  because  u baby  her shut up u grown man living  wit  mother joepah  u have us  man I never  thought  that  I be babysitting  children  but am happy  to do it   that child needs  u am happy  that u n James does not  have problems  qut each other.

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