amillo birth

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August  1st,  1996 janet jackson pov, he looks so beautiful. Renee always  wanted  a son. We have  problems  in our  marriage. Hopefully, things  work  out  look at my boy  he looks just like me  look at your  ill  brother  u two he look so tiny hahaha  he baby  t  he supposed  be be he looks so cute   I was a bit shocked   i was pregnant  wit  another  child  sign  I was  bit worried   look finally  another  oh hey Jackie  didn't   see u   looo at u   how u feeling  like  I got  hit  by track sorry to hear that u finally  got u a boy huh yeah  he a looker I tell u that shut up  u know  I love u  I always  been  pick on about  my weight  u be fine Jackie live her alone sorry mother  how u feel honey  am tried  u deserve  to rest  honey I don't  want u to  yourself  into the ground what's his name amailo  what  it's  different   was  his idea  we both did  well  am happy  to hear  u & the baby boy  doing  fine  yes thank u mother  well u here n healthy  that all  that  matters  to me  I went fron   mother  of three  to four   lookk she needs  rest no she needs a tour  leave her  alone shh my baby here already  give me  a few  days  already  OK  I was shocked  that i was pregnant  again  a few  months  later  doing the kumpls  well before  that  I took time to myself.

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