daddy ill girl

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Renee, pov   u love daddy huh  I was so happy  to be a father   she really  loves u. I can tell she is going to a daddy girl. This is my number  one girl  beside u, of course. I know it is too hard. Well, she attached  to u huh yeah I guess  so, so look at u  she actually  attracted  to the hip as soon I try to leave she cries  well, and she does me like that to  I can be a good thing n bad thing to a bad thing she becomes  very spoiled   I want her to have  a normal life  I didn't  get to have  just enjoyed  being around  her welll hopefully  she doesn't    OK honey am here  jez she cries wen I leave I put her down   I love her wit all my heart.  Am always  going to be there for u  no matter   what, never   leaving  u  always  here for  am still getting  used  to  u  know being a dad  n all that I just love looking  at her she has my nose she going  to fine son my dad  says well he just happy  to be a father  leave the boy alone  he got janet  stop being so shy  all the time well being  a dad is  hardwork  especially  having girls  is hard trust me  I know   but  u have to  deal wit  it on your   own  yeah it doesn't  make it least  harder  well u honest  about  it Renee  being  a mother  is hardwork.

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