rolling stone

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Stepmber  16, 1993 janet jackson pov  alright  wait  Renee was behind  me hold up. I got the idea  when I did poetic justice. u sure u want to do this? u just had a baby  janet. Yeah, I wanted  brids  to cover  my breasts outta your  mind  janet   of couse mother  wasn't  to happy  about   u want to do what  the photographer  said  yes I want to be  topess  that never  happened  before   I end up on the  stepmber  issue  of rolling  stone  cover  weĺl I guess make sure  Renee  doesn't  sew it  alright   it would  awarded  for her to see her mother  that way ill do my best alright  they kinda every  where  for adults  only anyway no kid should  have  that anyway  sorry honey am going  to be able  to make  it I have a photo shoot  toady  I know Renee  u want me to be there for u n I will   I kinda understand  look  mom  i have to share  u wit the world  its not  fair  I know honey  Renee  was there wit me  I think   how do u want it I had my hands  in the air wait  a minute  I hear Renee  voice what u are doing  I don't  want  anymore  seeing  them  so that's how it was taken   i don't  think anyone  would  know who hands are those lest  for awhile  that's good thing  why u doing  this  janet  I think  people  are used to seeing  as ill girl they  can't  handle  u all grown  up michael  says.

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