40| "Nothing changed about my feeling towards you"

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He pulled my chair out for me and I took my seat sitting with one leg over the other

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He pulled my chair out for me and I took my seat sitting with one leg over the other.

He takes his seat and a waiter, with long black hair tied in a high ponytail and hazel eyes comes.

"Hello, I'm Cassandra your waiter for today, can I get you anything to drink or starters?" Cassandra asks popping her chest out a but more showing more of her cleavage.

Yeah I can't let that happen.

I leaned foward and place my chin in my palm and kiss my lips.

"Hey." I said putting on a nice act on.

She slowly turns back to me with a look of irritation.

"Can I get a champagne, please." I said looking her dead in the eyes with no look of joy in them.

"Yeah sure." She said, with a fake smiled and wrote my order down.

Since she wants to be a bitch I'll do the same to her and I can be worse.

I give her a fake smile and when she turn back to Ace I immediaty drop it.

I look at him and he's only looking at me while miss Cassandra here still tries so hard to act seductive, but she's failing painfully.

I see by the wya of his body language he cares nothing and not intrested about this women.

"You handsome?" Cassandra asks changing her voice into some squicky thing.

This had my body boiling with anger to the core.

"Excuse me?" I said in shock she sucked in a breathe. But she rolls her eyes with the biggest bitchy attitude.

"No you don't get to think you can say that without me talking some sense into you." I said and she looked back at me, slight fear flashes in her eyes.

"I'm sorr-" I cutt her off.

"No your not." I said and stood up and excused myself before I left the two of them.

Probably a horrendous thing to do but this girl was testing my fucking patience.

Fuck- why am I actually acting like this?!

I go to the ladies bathroom and go into one of the bathroom stalls.

"What the fuck are you doing Naomi?" I whispered to myself.

"Come on now. Just be normal and calm down a bit." I lastly said and then left, not before washing my hands.

I walk back and he's siting there on his phone.

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