55| "Thank you for making me feel a slight bit of love again"

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She looks at me with a sad, hurt look before she turns around and walks up the stairs until she disappears and I hear a door closing.

Not being able to stand any longer, I sat down on a arm chair in the one coner.

I didn't know what to do.

I knew this woman enough to know that even if I tried to use any more words to coax my previous words, she wouldn't budge.

I leaned forward, my elbows on my knees. A fist in front of my mouth, and I just stared at the floor.

What did I do to hurt her so much.

As a matter of fact, why did I keep hurting her again and again?

Why did I cause her so much pain.

God, I loved this woman, but I don't think anything I say or do will stop her from leaving right now.

I felt helpless, and for the second time in my life, I felt worthless.

A tear slips from my eye, and here I am again, crying over for this woman.

I now know how it feels to be hurt. To be hurt from the person you love.

She did nothing wrong, but the fact that she's leaving makes everything painful.


He's promised me no hurting, but here I am, and I'm hurting because of him.

I didn't want to bring anything with me because I knew, if I did, it would be like bringing a piece of him with me.

The only thing I brought with me that was the most valuable to me was my daughter.

I gently picked her up from her sleeping state, and she didn't budge.

I grabbed my phone and headed out, wondering if I was actually gonna ever come back here.

But even if I didn't, I know I had great memories here.

I looked to my left, where his room was,and I almost smiled at whay went down last night.

As I walked down the hallway, I felt like I was leaving a piece of myself behind.

I saw the door, where he kept everything of me from our past, and I wondered if he had put anything new.

I walked down the stairs, and with every step, it felt like I was walking away from something I loved. Or someone...

I saw him sitting in a coner by a chair, his hands in a fist st his mouth.

His eyes met mine and stood up, and he started walking towards me.

The closer he got, the more I wanted to move my legs to meet him halfway, but I don't.

He stops keeping a distance between us, and I'm glad because if he kept going, I would throw myself at him and wouldn't want to let go.

As I looked into his eyes, they're slightly red, like he was just crying.

My own tears were threatening to come out, but I just blinked them away. I couldn't afford to cry right now, although it was the most difficult thing.

"Thank you for everything, Ace. Thank you for making not only me but our daughter smile. Thank you for making me feel a slight bit of love again." I said, and those words hurt him as much as they hurt me saying.

I couldn't believe I was saying bye to him.

I smiled at him for the last time and I wasn't sure if I was ever gonna do it again.

I quickly turned around and walked out, knowing I was close to breaking.

Tristian stood, leaning against the black suv on his phone.

"Where of to?" He asked.

"Just take me to Aubrey's." I said not in the mood of talking.

"Okay." He says, seeing my mood and gearing my voice.

I placed her in the car, and I walked around to sit behind the passenger seat.

Amara then laid her head on my thigh.

"You okay?" He asks, looking up at the rare view.

"Yeah. I'm okay." I said, and I didn't want to talk right now.

He just nods.

I looked out the window and bit down on my acrylic nail.

Tears on the verge of escaping.

And then there I was, driving away from the place I thought would be Amara and I's forever home.

I drove away, leaving the one man I know is my only home.

I squeezed my eyes shut to prevent myself from shedding any tears because I wouldn't stop if I did.

Tristian drives me to the one person I know hasn't let me down, and I dout she ever will. Ever.


I watched her shut that door, and that's when it felt real.

She wasn't gonna come back, and there was absolutely nothing I could do.

I stared at a shut door, where once stood the one woman I love, and I'm not sure if she feels the same way anymore.

"Thank you for everything, Ace. Thank you for making not only me but our daughter smile. Thank you for making me feel a slight bit of love again." Her words echo in my head, and the more I hear them, the more they start to fade away, along with her.

The only two girls I've only ever loved walked away from me, and I didn't get the chance to even say goodbye, even though I wasn't ready.

I didn't know if I was gonna see them again. I didn't know if I was gonna hear their voice, their laughs, see their dimpled smiles ever again.

"Ace -" Lucianos voice calls out.

"Not now." I said not needing anyone talking to me right now.

I turned around and needed to escape this painful reality I was facing.

I headed down to my wine cellar.

"Talk to me." He says, stepping in front of me.

"Luciano. Just get the hell away from me." I said.

But he doesn't.

"Are they gone?"

"Oh course they're fucking gone, Luciano. Why else do you think I look this way. Why else do you think I'm acting like this. Shit, man, I don't know what to do anymore. I tried. I tired my hardest, but she continued walking away from me." I said, feeling all my power fade away.

And the one person who can bring it back is her.

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