60| Just promise me that you'll come back. Both of you."

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I was contemplating on whether i should do what I'm about to do or not, but I end up doing it
I placed my hand on her thighbut above her knee, she pushed her leg down, stopping her from bouncing it.

"Stop doing that." I said, glancing at her for a second.

I place my palm up so it's facing up, and she seems to understand what im doing, and she interlocks her hand with mine.

I start to caress her hand with my thumb gently, trying to comfort her in any way.

"What's going on through that head of yours?" I aks, looking at her agaun then looking back.

"Well, I think there's only one thing that's going through my head, and it's only killing me slowly."

I knew exactly what she was talking about.

"I'm going to find her, Naomi. I'll find her for you. I won't fuckibg dare close my eyes till I find her and bring her right back to you, in your arms, okay?" I asked.

"Okay." She said, but it didn't sound like she was convinced.

"I promise you, I will find her. I will search all night, morning, day, afternoon, second, minute, hour. All of it for her."

She smiled slightly, and that small smile brought me right back to life.



It's been a couple of hours since I'd gotten away from Xavier.

I'm still not feeling at ease yet. My heart feels heavy, and I'm trying to concentrate on my work, but I can't.

A part of me felt happy that I'd seen Ace again, but I still wasn't sure if I really wanted to still do this.

The moment I saw him, a sudden rush of life was brought back to me.

I didn't hesitate to laugh at him because I just needed to feel a sense of home again.

He kissed me, and I didn't hold back.

I never held back when it came to him.

My head was everywhere.

Papers were scaterred around me on the bed, my laptop in front of me.

I now had just over a week until the launch, and it's getting more and more stressful.

"You doing okay?" Aces voice asked, and I lifted my head to see him. He was leaning against the door frame, arms crossed.

"Im trying." Was all I could manage to say.

It was silent as we looked at each other. His eyes seem to be trying to search for something in mine.

"I know I've been telling you, but you know that I'm trying to find her, right?"

"I do know that."

"And I'm going to do anything and everything in my power to find her."

I didn't know what to say, so I just smiled.

Who knew if we could find her, but I didn't want to keep my hopes up just to let them crumple down on me.

"I'm sorry I lied to you. I'm sorry I didn't tell you anything, but I should've." He says.

"I know you are sorry. And im sorry i lashed out at you -"

"Don't be sorry, you had every right to -"

"I didn't know how to feel. I was scared and shocked. Even what I saw Ace."

"I know. And anyone would've been, Nai. But I just want you to know that you have nothing to be scared about when I'm here. I will protect you. No matter what the consequences of it being. I will do my all in protecting you and our daughter -"

"Boss?" A male voice called.

He tilted his head to look out to the hallway.

"We found you, little one." And I jumped. I got off from the bed and walked to where Ace and the guy were.

"Okay, get Luca, tristain, and the others to get ready." He said.


"Naomi, I need you to stay here. I'll be back -"

"Im coming with you,"

"Nai, it's not safe out there. And I need you where it's safe."

"What? I'm coming with you." She said.

"Naomi, I can't afford having you get taken away and possibly hurt."

"I appreciate that that's the way you feel, but she's my daughter Ace. Please. Just let me come with."

He was silent for a bit, but then he nodded.

"Just promise me to be safe. Really, Nai. I need you to be very safe and very careful. It could get a very dangerous pit there." He said, really looking into my eyes.

"I will."



We drive for a few minutes and drive through a doggy area, seven of Aces SUVs with his men inside following behind.

Ace pulls up at what looks to be a warehouse. He turns to me and says, "You're not going in there, okay-"

I cute him off.

"I'm coming in. Our daughter's in there."

"I know, Naomi, I know. But I need you to stay here. It's bad enough that I let you come with. Please, just, just stay here. It's too risking in there, and I'm not willing to risk you going in there and getting hurt."


"Naomi. Please. I'm gonna bring her right back to you."

I thought about his words and considered them.

"Okay. Just promise me that you'll come back. Both of you. Try not to get hurt." 

"I don't think I'll be able to get out there without getting hurt, but I'll do everything and anything to make she doesn't.'' He said.

We look into each other's eyes for a bit, and he's break, slowly trailing to my lips and I press them into a straight line, looking to the side, attempting to stop any temptation.

"Okay, go, be careful, please." I said.



I stormed into the warehouse, my footsteps echoing in the empty corridors. The stench of fear lingered in the air as I cautiously made my way through the rooms, my senses sharp and alert.

Finally, I reached the room where Amara was being held captive. My heart shattered at the sight of her, pressed to the conner of the room, her knees tucked I to her chest and her face has tear streak stains but I didn't falter. With a swift kick, I burst through the door, my gun drawn, ready to unleash hell on anyone who dared to harm her.

The room erupted into chaos as bullets flew, echoing off the walls like deadly whispers. My instincts kicked into overdrive as I shielded Amara from harm.

With precise aim, I took down his men one by one, his eyes never leaving Amaras daughter's terrified gaze.

As the gunfire subsided, I scooped Amara into my arms, her small frame trembling against my chest. Without hesitation, I raced through the maze of hallways, dodging bullets and eluding capture at every turn. Sweat dripped down my brow as I fought against the odds to get Amara to safety.

Finally, we burst through the warehouse doors, the cold night air hitting us like a wave of relief. But their night was far from over. Bullets whizzed past us, grazing the pavement as we raced towards freedom. Adrenaline coursed through my veins as I gently placed amara at the back, where Naomi longingly awaited her. I dont waist time rushing to the drivers seat. The engine roaring to life beneath me as i start the car.

I tore through the streets, and onces I loose the car that was following us, my eyes look through the rare view and Naomi clung to a shaking Amara, breaking my heart at the sight.

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