(1) A Parents Double Date

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Winnie was joined at a restaurant by her husband Dr Ethan Hager and Hollis' Payne's parents Dr Nickolas and Collette Payne. They enjoyed a night at the Pair-A-Dice Casino and then headed to William B's steakhouse for dinner.

"What a fun night Win. I'm always happy when we are all off on the same night." Collette said 

"Me too." Winnie said 

"You two may be off but me and Ethan are on call and DD duties." Nicholas said 

Their wives giggled, and held up their wine glasses "cheers!" 

"We actually had a reason to want to do a date night." Colette said 

"Besides our witty banter." Ethan said 

"Yeah, me and Lettie have a favor to ask." Nick said 

"Anything." Winnie said 

"Well, we got picked to do medical care in a third world country for six weeks. We applied never thinking we would get picked. But we have but that leaves us with one problem." Colette said 

"Hollis and Timothy." Ethan said 

"Yeah, so we thought we would ask if you two would mind housing them while we are gone. I know you already have the boys." Colette said 

"Not a problem. We will take them in, the boys are with me full time currently cause James is in the slammer again but I have two extra bedrooms." Winnie said 

"Thank you we owe you." Collette said 

"You can start by paying for dinner." Ethan said jokingly. 

Winnie just rolled her eyes, and said "You are my best friend Lettie you don't have to pay me back." 

"Thanks Win." She said as they shared a hug. 

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