(14) Bucky...Call Bucky

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Winnie got the page when Hollis was brought in,  Nick and Lettie were in the waiting room. 

"Win?" Collette said 

"I got her.." Winnie said 

Winnie went into the trauma room Hollis was in. 

"Hollis can you hear me?" Winnie said as she checked her eyes. 

"Winnie..Bucky call Bucky.." she said sounding raspy. 

"Oh honey.." Winnie said when she saw the strangulation marks on her neck. 

Winnie ordered every scan and X-ray, and went to call Bucky but he didn't answer his cellphone. 

"Ugh..I hate having to call this slimeball." She said as she pressed call on James' contact info.

"Well hello Jezebell." James said when he answered 

"I don't go by that name anymore. Put our youngest son on the phone." Winnie said as she cringed at her old nickname. 

"What is this about? He's here at the bar." James said 

"Just put him on the damn phone James." She said 

"Ok damn." James said 

He found Bucky, and put him on the phone.

"Hey mom.." he said 

"You need to get your ass to the hospital right now! Hollis is in her beaten was almost raped. She said to call you. She was attacked outside the diner by a group of guys according to the police." Winnie said 

Bucky gulped, "I'll be right there." He said and hung up.

"What's wrong son?" James said 

"We need to go to the hospital. I think I may have..I dad me and Luke stole the liquor and now I think I may have gotten someone hurt." He said 

"Okay, get your brothers." James said 

"You're not mad?" He said 

"We'll talk later about that." James said 

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