(22) Meeting Families

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Two weeks later, 

It was the weekend, that Hollis would finally be meeting the rest of Bucky's family. Winnie hosted a family BBQ. She also invited James and his family as well. 

"Where is Buchanan?" James said 

"Oh he'll be a minute he had to pick up Hollis." Winnie said

"Okay." James said 

A few minutes later, Bucky arrived with Hollis. 

"Hollis you know my mom and Ethan. You have met you have met my brothers Micah, Zeke and Malcolm and my cousin Luke. This is my dad James and his wife Vivian, my uncle Emmett and his wife Kristine. My big brother Ellison and my big sister Ashlynn and her husband Jordan. My grandparents Theodore and Katrina." He said 

"It's very lovely to meet you all." She said 

"Nice to finally meet you officially. I saw you in the hospital." James said 

She smiled, once introductions were over the BBQ resumed. 

The following weekend, Bucky went with Hollis to her grandfather's birthday at his house. Where Bucky meet her family.

"This is my family of course you meet my parents Nick and Colette and my brother Timothy. This is my older sister Amelia and her husband Beau, my older brother Nathaniel and his wife Reese, my grandparents Elliot and Harriett and my grandmother Willow." Hollis said 

"It's a pleasure to meet you all." Bucky said 

Bucky impressed her family and felt more at ease about their relationship. 

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