(24) Hollis' Birthday Surprise

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1 year later,

It was Hollis' 20th birthday, when Bucky,Collette and Winnie threw together a surprise party for her. 

Bucky brought her to the venue, "What did you do? Why would you rent a ballroom for us?" She said 

"You'll see. Why can't just rent out a whole ballroom for my angel? We are going to have dinner and dance." He said as he kissed her before he opened the door. 

"Because you don't like dancing." She said 

"I do with you." He said as he turned the knob, as she shook her head.

"I love anything I get to do with you." He said as he opened the door and turned on the lights. 

"SURPRISE!" Everyone yelled.

"You dirty dog!" She exclaimed as she smacked him. 

"Happy birthday baby." He said as he kissed her.

"I love you." She said 

"I love you angel." He said 

Everyone enjoyed themselves at the party. After she opened presents from everyone else Bucky was the last one to give her a present. 

"I'm not good with words." He said 

"Neither was your daddy baby it's okay." Winnie blurted out. 

"Shush..let the man talk." James said 

Bucky swallowed hard, "Hollis Gabrielle I love you. You are my angel I knew from the moment we shared our first kiss that there was something special about you. You became my addiction, I couldn't let you go and when I tried my heart ached. I know for a fact that I want to spend forever with you. So will you please marry me?" He said as he dropped to one knee. 

"Buck.." she whispered

He opened up the ring box, "Yes.." she whispered 

Bucky slid the ring on her finger, "Happy birthday baby." He said as he kissed her as cheers filled the air as their friends and family celebrated. 

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