(10) This Hall Is For Rejects

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A few days later, Hollis decided to use the back way into the school. It's mainly where the school outcasts and rejects use to go in to avoid the popular crowd. Bucky's crew sees her, and points her out.

"What the hell is she doing down this way. I thought you said she went home." Chase said 

"She did. I'll handle this." He said as he walked over to her. 

He grabbed her arm gently as he led her out. "What the hell were you thinking? This hall is for rejects." He said 

"I just..I wanted to see you." She said as tears welled then she walked off. 

Later that day during study hall, Bucky found her sitting against the bookshelf. He sat down beside her.

"Hollis..baby. Nobody can know about us. Okay? I'm sorry for this morning." He said as he kissed her. He ran his hand up her dress as they began to make out. 

He began to play with her as he sucked on her neck. "God you look so damn sexy today." He whispered as she began to tremble. 

"Oh Hollis..baby. Come for me baby." He whispered as she put forehead against his. 

He worked his fingers faster, and he kissed her as she let her orgasm go. They began to kiss as she went for his crotch. 

"Oh no baby.." he whispered as she kissed his neck. 

She began to rub him through his pants, "oh Hollis baby..I mmm fuck." He whispered as she began to suck his neck. His eyes began to roll then he kissed her as climaxed. 

He looked at her with blissed our eyes, "Hollis remember what I said nobody can know about this." He whispered 

"I know." She said 

The bell rung, and they went their separate ways. 

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