Truth Untold

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STAY, PLEASE y/n PLEASE STAY WITH ME, he sobbed in her arms, "I told you I will always be in your heart Jungkook. And I promise you, babe, that I will come back, I don't know when, but I will come back to you," she said wiping his tears softly. She put him to sleep and decided to go help Taehyung with his packing, "Jungkook is devastated by this how we will be able to handle him," Taehyung asked in a low tone worried about how Jungkook will take the news of y/n leaving. "Come with me..." she called everyone over to Tae's house, and shortly after everyone arrived. "We need to have a conversation, I need to tell you, guys, something," everyone was focused on what she was about to say. But in their hearts, all they could think of is that she is going to tell them about her leaving soon. "I need you guys to listen to me before asking me any questions, but none of you can tell Jungkook about this. I will be the only one telling him about it," her voice kind of broke down toward the last sentence. Her heart was beating at an abnormal pace, she knew she was about to lose everything and everyone and probably never will be able to get the same love from them.

"As you all know I am a cop, but that's not just it. The night I met Jungkook, at first, I didn't know who he was, not until he told me his name. His name rang a bell, but I still wasn't sure why and who he was, he helped me with my wound by taking me to the hotel that night, and then I met you guys. But Namjoon Hyung was the only one who told me his name and it again sounded familiar to me. But I didn't know why they sounded so familiar, I told Jungkook that I was going to come to see him the next day at Starbucks. But that night when those names kept ringing in my head, I decided to look them up, and then they all came to me. He was The Jeon Jungkook and The Kim Namjoon whose case was I handling about the guns used in the gang shooting. I wanted to come to see him the next day, wanted to prove myself wrong that he was not that person. A man who looked so innocent and gentle, the kind of person who can never hurt anyone. As soon as I left the NYPD station something hit my head and the next thing, I know I woke up in a place that I don't recognize, and those people were beating me and torturing me for the next three days until the last day they dropped me off at the same place. I walked toward Starbucks hoping I can find Jungkook there and I did. I had him take me to my apartment because it is the only safe place I know, and I didn't want Galindo's men hurt him so he took me there."

Everyone was looking at her with confused looks and somewhat anger in their eyes. She was not surprised by that, but they all wanted to hear it all before they say anything to her. She lowered her head and decided to tell the rest.

"The department wanted me to get close to Jungkook and go undercover and investigate him when he offered to come with him to Korea so I could stay safe, every part of me wanted to be with him because my heart was falling for him, but I wanted him to leave me and run to Korea and never come back to America so no one can catch him. But I came with him not to investigate him or to arrest him, I wanted to prove him innocent which he is. I never gave any information about any of you to my department, I found Galindo and he told me everything. His people in America surrendered to my department and so Jungkook and your company's name is now cleared from all kinds of allegations."

All the pain that was stinging in her heart was now coming to ease because she was hiding the truth for way too long and after so long, she can finally talk about and it feel a little less burden on her chest. She might be at risk of losing her new family but at least she told them the truth, so they won't find out from someone else. She lifted her head and her teary eyes made everyone's eyes wet.

"I don't know if I will ever be able to tell Jungkook this but please tell him when the time comes, that, I loved him with my whole heart. Besides all the lies one thing that is not a lie is my love for him. I loved him with everything in me, and that goes for you all. I love all of you more than anything, you are my family, I know I will lose you guys after this. You all will hate me and will hate me for the rest of my life but just know I love you guys and that is the truth."

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