Chapter 1 (Collateral)

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Location: Uncharted planet in The Periphery (Former Hutt Space)
46 ABY (After the Battle of Yavin) 6 months after The Battle of Kesh.

The peculiar looking aliens stood gathered in small groups among the mud-bricked huts of their peaceful village in the early morning chill.
The 3 fingered bipedal creatures sported a long curved neck which supported a head that reminded one of waterfowl: Low profile, wide set eyes, and a long bill instead of a mouth.  Instead of being covered by feathers, however, their bodies were adorned with short brown fur.

Around them, cooking fires flickered,  and exotic livestock complained, through warbles and moans, about their hunger.

They would have received the ungracious title of "Primitive beings", if the galaxy at large had even been aware of their existence. Nevertheless,they were a race of individuals who thought, reasoned, schemed, loved, and hoped just like all the other sentients of the galaxy did. They populated this forgotten planet by the millions, and they could be found on ever continent. Undoubtedly, after a few millenniums, they would join the rest of the galaxy, but at this moment, the chances of that ever coming to fruition were shrinking exponentially.

They had no way of knowing this of course. What they knew equaled  only what they could see with their own eyes. And in this particular village at that particular moment, all eyes were fixed skyward.

In their naïveté, they saw two massive floating beasts strike out at each other with bursts of fire and light.
The exchange filled the air  with crashes and booms, that rebounded off the nearby cliff faces. This, in turn, set off a wave of unsettled gasps from the adults and cries from the younglings.

They had no way of knowing that these massive beasts that hung magically in the heavens, where in-fact starships engaged in a massive "to the death" battle. A battle that had started light years away in the Sriluur system.

The planet that shared its name with the system, was experiencing a revolution of some sorts. No, not a political revolution or a slave revolt. After years of neglect the inhabitants of the the world, the Weequay,  were finally exploiting vast amounts of natural resources (specifically copper and other metals) that laid just under the surface.
The industry was promising but new and fragile. As such, the methods used were ancient and crude, and involved large amounts of potent chemicals; chemicals that just so happened to be valued by black market weapons dealers for their potential use as (no suprise)... weapons.

The 25 mile long hauler (filled to capacity with chemicals of unimaginable toxicity) had just entered the system expecting to deliver its contents to the orbiting station when the marauders struck.
They came in the form of two relics from the past: A pair of Republic-Class star destroys.
They were nearly 40 years old and they looked it, but they still had the capacity to live up to the "Destroyer" title. Since their goal was piracy not destruction they hit the command centre, located at the back of the hauler, fast and hard.
Though the cargo ship was enormous in size it was virtually defenceless. This deficiency was offset by a group of escorts, ranging from corvettes to single pilot fighters.
On their first run, the pirates managed to take out the shields protecting the bridge of the behemoth mover.
It reacted by turning in a way so as to keep it's bridge out of the crosshairs of pirate gunners. It was a ponderously slow maneuver, but it bought itself just enough time for the defenders to engage.
And engage they did...
The Protectors targeted the nearest destroyer and hit it with every they could muster. The effect was spectacular!
After 5 seconds, the destroyers aft shields failed. After another 4 seconds, their hyperdrive and sub-light engines were down. This left it still every bit a threat, yet now it was stationary threat.

The immobilized destroyer made peace with its change of fortune by sending wave after wave of turbo blasts at the defenders, wiping out and disabling a large portion of them. The freighter used the opportunity to jump out of the system.
A ship normally would've stretched off and be gone into hyper safe in less then a heart beat, but for a ship that massive, it was a different story.

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