Chapter 4 (Skywalker must Die!)

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Location:  Royal's Fortune  Casino on Rebuilt Nar Shaddaa.

"Wait a second!" Scoffed the tall, long nosed man that represented GET. "This operation must have taken months to plan. Why didn't you share your suspicions months ago Kratebor?"

"It's General Kratebor! and I didn't make that rank by keeping my cards on table!" The General took a deep breath and continued in a more controlled manner: "The thing is... We didn't know what to expect when we set up this little scam. His recent actions have sparked change galaxy wide, and that change has made space a lot less pirate friendly so we needed more intel on what we we're dealing with."

The Rodian pointed a long green finger at the General, and said in an accusing tone: "If you would have pointed a turbo laser at him instead of a surveillance cam, the problem would have been solved"

"Don't count on it Bug Boy" said Boba. He then continued: " Yes! He seems vulnerable, but looks can be deceiving. saw those Jedi! They share his power. Whose to say they can't conjure up a singularity of their own to eat your turbo blasts; your whole ship, for that matter!

Gardulla agreed. Her protocol droid listened to her complete her sentence in Huttese, and then translated: "Her eternalness highly doubts that the GA and the Jedi have neglected to put tabs on their new trophy boy. Somehow, they also will protect him!"

"So we're does that leave us?" Asked the falleen in a voice that was now more annoyed then flirtatious.

"Well... do the math sweetheart." The General replied while holding up a finger
"Number one! Skywalker is compelled to save whole worlds from destruction, but he doesn't seem interested or capable of stopping small scale skirmishes."

He the produced a second finger. "Number two! While he seems invincible when it comes to protecting  others, he himself appears to be vulnerable."

Number three! He probably has the Jedi, the Empire, and the GA watching his back."

He allowed his list to marinate in the minds of his cohorts.

Then, he brought the point home: "We need to keep the GA and Jedi so busy that they won't have the time to hover over him like an overbearing Toydarian mother. We also need someone that knows how Skywalker thinks. And it wouldn't hurt to have some special teach."

While the General was spiting out lists and facts, a portrait began to form in Fett's mind. One man checked all the right boxes. The only question was:
Would he do it? Would he join their cause?

"Lando" said Boba, with the emotion of a tree.

"Calrissian?" Mr. Long nose all but hissed. "Absolutely Not!" He continued. "We all know he killed Judge Salcron and Senator VoxHayly... The man is out to destroy us!"

"Well then..." said the Falleen in response. "It's sounds like he would fit in with the present company quite nicely."
This perfectly timed comment triggered a round of laugher around the table and a nod of "touché" from Fett.

Long nose wouldn't give up. "You've seen what Calrissian is capable of in the last six months!"

The General gave a slight shake of the head in frustration. "We have seen what he's be up to the last six month! That's what makes him perfect for our plans. Can't you get that through your thick skull?"

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