Chapter 26 (The Battle For Naboo's Skies)

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Location: Aboard the Light Transport Ship "Majestic Fortune" in orbit above the planet Naboo.

Dena had been so sure that leaving Naboo... Leaving Luke, was the right choice! For once, doubt had not clouded her mind with guilt and indecision....Until now!

She had been at "full thrusters" ever since she talked to Luke; there had been no time to slow down and think. She had made the journey into town by speeder bike (C-3PO, uncharacteristically silent, had ridden in the speeder's sidecar), and had promptly hired the first pilot she could find to take her to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. She had barely a moment to even breathe, let alone think about what she was doing.

But just then, sitting in the copilot's chair of The Majestic Fortune, her mind couldn't help ruminating over her decision. When it was all said in done, she couldn't shake the feeling that she was "running away".

What did Luke really think of her? Was she really the future of the Balance or was she just a weakling that he wanted out of his way? Or Did he...

Her intrusive thoughts were themselves intruded upon by an alarm sounding from Captain Maverick's console. The man was the very epitome of "small time owner/operator". The guy couldn't even afford a copilot! Apparently, that role was filled by any passenger unfortunate enough to be stuck with him as their captain.

"What's the Alarm for?" She asked

"Just the proximity sensors, sweetheart ." He said in his easy going manner

"It looks like some hotshot pilot just brought that shuttle out of hyperspace, right into orbit... Gutsy! I LOVE IT!" He said with a wide grin, which showcased his brilliant white teeth... All 3 of them.

She wasn't 100 percent sure, but deductive reasoning led her to believe...

"I need you to hail that ship! They're ... friends (she hoped)."

"Comm active! Go ahead Darlin!" He said.

Without hesitation, she spoke into her console's mic. "This is Dena Yus aboard The Majestic Fortune, to Jedi Shuttle. Please respond!"

Maybe she had guessed wr... The crackle of the transport's speakers put to rest any doubts of the shuttle's identity.

"This is Master Tekli" said the little voice of the Chadra-Fan. "It is good to hear your voice Dena."

Dena had to agree. She had spent a year, living with the Jedi enclave, and had really felt at home in their presence; the first real home she had ever known.
But this was no time for extended reunions.
"Master Tekli. I'm glad you've come. Master Skywalker is no longer at the lake house, I'm sending you his current location... now.

A second later, Tekli confirmed: "We got it Dena!"

Relief swept over her. Yes! Backup. Luke would have a shuttle full of Jedi for support, not to mention Jaina (the Jedi's greatest champion) and Han, Leia, Ben...

That relief was only a few seconds old when it died an unceremonious death. Looking out the main viewport, as far as the eye could see, hundreds of ships just appeared out of nowhere.

No! Not out nowhere: The ships had just exited hyperspace.

And not ships! Not exactly. They were... Drones!

Dena barely had to look at the sensor readout to identify them. She had worked for Lando for over a year, as head manager over one of his mining operations. She was quite familiar with Tendrando's many gadgets.

They were about 1/4 the size of a modern starfighter, but they still packed a mean punch!

After their in system jump, the drones began a systematic approach toward the planet, attacking every satellite, space station, and ship they encountered.

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