Chapter 25 (Brace For Impact!)

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Location: Naberrie Lake house on the planet Naboo.

The figure, half hidden in shadow, stepped out from underneath the arch and into the light of the foyer, revealing what Lando had already known. It was Luke Skywalker.

The sight of the man whom he had long considered to be one of his oldest and dearest friends, now evoked a multitude of conflicted and nameless feelings that poured out from the darkest depths of his heart, like the tentacles of some mythical creature from antiquity.

For the most part, those feeling could be grouped into 2 categories:

1) Guilt.


Guilt: For kidnapping Ben... For turning on Luke... For allowing himself to be deceived by Veradun... For allowing himself to be deceived by himself.

But also...

Anger: Anger at the Jedi for always letting scum off the hook... Anger at Luke and Ben for sparing Vestara, the murderer of his family... Anger at himself for sparing Vestara.

At least he was feeling... Something. He had gone completely numb following Veradun's betrayal... But now, hot blood filled his veins once again.

Despite still being compromised by his recent impalement, he now rose to his feet. He slowly walked toward Luke. One moment, he had every intention of falling at his friend feet and begging for forgiveness, the next...

He spat in Luke' face.
Luke's reaction was almost instinctual. Something inside just snapped. He had come to Lando because... He didn't even know why. He felt as if the force was pushing the two of them to a confrontation/reconciliation, and Lando had just played the first hand... Confrontation then...

Although Luke had reached a higher plane of existence, he still, on the most basic level, was human, with all the virtues and failings that came with the title.

Luke felt the familiar blush of anger come flooding in from his core. As a Jedi, he would have "Let go" of that anger... But not this time.

Tilting his head upward he let out a long sigh. And then... He did it: He severed his connection to the force; not permanently, of course. But he was about to drop all restraint on his anger and for the next several minutes he wanted to be just... a Man... A Father... A Brother... An Uncle.

With no warning, he struck Lando in the jaw with his left hand, sending the older man stumbling backwards. He nearly fell over onto the floor but grabbed hold of an ornate marble bookshelf. He didn't give Luke time to strike again. Lando leaned forward heavily, and  rammed him in the Stomach like a charging Reek.

Unaided by the force, Luke' reflexes were no match for the wiley old gambler. Luke keeled over from the impact and was momentarily stunned by the pain.


"OH... JUST SHUT UP ABOUT YOUR KARKIN WIFE FOR JUST ONE SECOND, WILL YOU!" Luke uncharacteristically shot back.

Lando's rage threatened to turn murderous, as he lunged at Luke again, this time with both hands open. With a grip of iron, he clamped those hand around Luke's neck.

"TAKE IT BACK!" Land roared

"What?" Luke gasped, as his still shocked body was now facing the new threat of asphyxiation.

"You think... (heavy wheezing)... you're the first person to... (heavy wheezing)... ever lose someone special?" Luke asked, incredulously. Then he continued: "I LOST MARA! REMEMBER?"

Star Wars (Legends):The Eternal Conflict. Book:2حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن