Chapter 13 (Wisdom's Burden)

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Location: Luke Skywalker's mind

A tsunami of information washed over Luke, flooding his memories, and expanding the limits of his psyche. Multiple universes were born and destroyed at the speed of light.

In that moment... He understood. The past 100,000 years of galactic history became clear. He saw how one event/disaster/triumph, was linked to another; the catalysts, the accumulation and cascading of seemingly unrelated  events, conspiring to form pivotal moments in time.

He also saw the the future. More specifically, he saw the future path of his order. The sudden appearance and action taken be his new Order of Balance had been necessary, but judging by Jorj Car'das's collection of data on "The Ones" and their dealings, he now understood more fully his order's role in the galaxy. His order would have to change; evolve into something... better.

The Data kept flowing in, and filling his mind. The speed and ferocity of the process made Luke feel... hot. Like he was.... He was on fire!

But he wasn't burning up. No human could survive the absorption of so much knowledge in such a short amount of time. But the force allowed it.

It protectect his neurons and synapses from instantaneous combustion. It kept his body from flying apart. And then... Nothing

At that moment, he realized his body and mind was... Nowhere

He had used the force to transport himself from Naboo to Exocron; to the Library buried deep under a mountain. But this was different. He had been caught up in a rapture of energy and the force. He was devoured by the force,  like light by a black hole.
Now he was surrounded by the infinite blackness. Or to be more accurate, he was drowning in it.

Just when he was about to accept the fact of his apparent death, light began to trickle in. It was extremely feeble at first, but it grew, slowly lighting up the scene around him.

Above him, he could make out a blue sky
And below him, lay a landscape of yellowish- orange.
Then he felt it. That unique mixture of wind, sun, and sand that had been seared into his earliest memory.

"Tatooine! I'm on Tatooine!" He knew it to be true. And as his sight cleared completely he knew precisely where on that big spinning sandball he was.
He had been here a lifetime ago. He had returned in a vision a few years after that. And here he was again.

But this time he was standing, not on a hover skiff, but on the top of a sand dune. Before him, was a familiar pit, with a familiar tentacled maw waiting at the bottom. The Great Pit of Carkoon

Curiously, his danger sense was not tingling. He felt more like an observer on an exotic wildlife expedition. That is until he heard it.

The shout came from below him, near the rim of the pit. It was... Han!

Not young Han, but the Han of now. From that one fact, Luke surmised that this wasn't a vision of the past but a symbolic glimpse into the future.

Han was on his hands and knees trying to crawl up out of the pit, but his efforts were useless.

Luke went to help his friend, but he couldnt move his feet. He looked down and saw...He was sinking into the sand. Already, he was buried up to his knees.

When he looked back up, he saw that a tentacle had grabbed hold of Han's legs and was eagerly pulling him towards the beak in the pit's centre.

Han yelled up to him with an increased sense of urgency and fear.

Star Wars (Legends):The Eternal Conflict. Book:2Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang