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Location: The Senate Building, on the Planet Coruscant.

The second great battle of Naboo had been like the first in that it was the epicentre of great galactic change.
The greatest difference between this battle and the one from nearly 70 years earlier was that the change it brought was one of chaos to order; from conflict to balance.

Nearly four years after the event's on Naboo, Luke and Dena stood hand in hand as they witnessed the fulfillment of a vision Luke had received from the force, years earlier. The vision had been of a Jedi Queen on a large white throne surrounded by joyous subjects of every race and background.

Slowly but surely, Wynn Dorvan had restored the ways of the Old republic. From now on a Jedi of nobility and worth would serve as Grand Chancellor of the newly renamed Grand Republic.

The first to serve such a role would be his step daughter: Allana Solo.

On the day of her coronation, she stood in white flowing robes looking every bit like the bright future she promised.

"I wished you would reconsider."
Dena whispered in Luke ear.

After the battle on Naboo, Dena and Luke had discussed the revelations uncovered by their shared knowledge from Exocron. They both had come to the inescapable conclusion that Luke needed to accomplish one more step in order to replace "The Father" as keeper of the balance.

He had to bathe in the pool of knowledge and drink from the fountain of power in order to gain true immortality and finally reach a higher level of existence.

But Luke had rejected that path. He was not afraid of the pool nor the fount. He knew it would not have the same devestating effect on him as it had on those who were not destined to partake.

But Luke would always be a "Farm Boy" at heart. Rejecting the force's will in this way may lead to grave consequences down the line, but it was one sacrifice he could not make. At the end of his days, 40 or 50 years from now, he wanted nothing more then to be surrounded by family and friends, and finally become one with the force.

In his lifelong pursuit of balance, the force had taken everything from Luke, and now this is the one thing he would asked back from it.

"Don't you want to be around to ensure that all this is never undone?"
She urged.

"The work we have done has saved trillions of lives..." He started "... But we can't forever shield the galaxy against itself. It's true, balance needed to be restored... Things were spiraling out of control! But balance has returned. Our role now is to guide this next generation of leaders to their own balance; help them stand on their own!"

"But, who is going to do that when you're gone?"
She asked with undisguised concern

He gave her a knowing grin and asked: "Who do you think?"

It took her a mount to realize he was referring to...

"Me?" She asked incredulously

"Why not?" He replied. "You hold the same knowledge I do. You have the experience, and you have the force. And You're a biot, Dena. Theoretically you could keep alive indefinitely. I can think of no better replacement."

He could tell she was starting to feel uncomfortable talking about their own mortality, so he embraced her cheek and said:

"Let's just enjoy this moment. The galaxy needs this. We need this!"

She whole heartedly agreed. The future wasn't going anywhere. She had peace, she had Luke, and she had time. Darkness would rise and fall. Conflict would boil and cool, but the balance would remain.

She would guard the balance, everyday, throughout the millenniums to come. And everyday she would be thankful for having known and loved Luke Skywalker. He would never truly be gone. He would become one with the force, and the force would be with her...



Star Wars (Legends):The Eternal Conflict. Book:2जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें