Chapter 17 (The Power of Love)

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Location: An abandoned mining complex on a gas giant's moon in Imperial space.

"It's ok Allana! It's going be ok!" Tenel Ka tried in vain to console the crying child.

The tears were not the product of fear or trauma. They were not the over dramatizations so common to many a royal heir.
Her tears where the liquid manifestation of her tortured guilt.

According to her, she had failed utterly and completely. The Chume'da never left the side of an ally. A Solo, never left family behind. "And... and I... (sobbing) I... did both (more sobbing)." She cried out.

Shortly after Wynn and Allana landed on the moon, a droid attack force had flown into the system. Half a minute later, Wynn had discovered and smashed the tracker that had betrayed their destination. Once they re-boarded the Hawk Bat, Wynn activated the ship's cloaking shield, thus rendering them virtually invisible. 20 minutes later, they watched as Ben's transponder signal appeared on the ship's sensors. As soon as he activated the comm to warn Ben away, the small cabin space was filled with the sound of jamming static.

That's when Allana told Wynn that they had a duty to fly to Ben's location and help him. But Wynn refused. When she tried to activate the ship's engine's on her own, he had locked her out with a voice-print lock. She was furious. That anger quickly morphed in sobs of despair.

4 hours later, when the millennial falcon had arrived with all the Solos, her Mom, and Jag aboard, she had mostly forgiven Wynn for stopping her; but she couldn't so easily let herself off the hook.

It quickly became apparent to all, that Ben was the intended target all along. As quickly as the droid attack had begun on Bastion, it had ended the very second Ben had been shocked into unconsciousness. By that time, Han had received the distress signal from Jag, and was making a mad dash to the imperial capital. From there, The Falcon and several GA and Hapan shuttles set course for The Hawk Bat's encrypted beacon.

"This... Is all my fault!" She said, continuing her emotional self flagellation.

"Sweetie..." started her grandma, in a voice only the last princess of Alderaan could affect. "Nobody expects you to be perfect. I couldn't stop bad people from stealing Grandpa Han away. But, you know what? I didn't give up, I made a plan and I stole him right back.

"She's right kiddo." Han added. "Think about it. They obviously wanted Ben. Do you think they went through all that trouble just to kill him?"

"Han!" Leia whisper growled, warningly at him.

"No Grandma! He's right!" Allana said in her Grandfather's defence.

"They wanted Ben Alive!" She correctly concluded. But then quickly added: "But I still could have..."

"What?" Jaina asked incredulously "Gotten yourself killed?

"Jaina!" Leia whisper growled, warningly at her.

"No Grandma! She's right!" Allana said in her Aunt's defence.

"They wanted Ben alive but they wouldn't have thought twice about killing Wynn and Me."

It took a whole village of Solos, but eventually, Allana was able to release her guilt. Exit: Guilt. Enter: Determination.

"Ok Grandpa! You have five minutes to prep The Falcon for Launch. I'm going to get Ben back and your going to help me!"

"Like Hell I am!" He said defiantly.

"Allana... Allana!" Tenel Ka made sure she had her attention before continuing:

"You know this is what you Grandparents do best. Do you trust them?"

Allana just looked back at her mother with a: "That was such a low blow" look in her eyes.

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