Chapter 9 (Lest we forget, Lest we remember)

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Location: Offices of the Galactic Alliance's Chief of  State

She got a certain indescribable rush, staring at her husband across his large ornate desk. The Chief of State's desk.

Many had, and would continue to write Wynn Dorvan off as a boring, passionless bit-pusher. But she knew the Truth. His well buttoned down exterior, housed the heart of a true pirate and a rogue.
Dorvan had, on many occasions, stood up to Admiral Natasi Daala, his former Boss. He had withstood weeks of torture by a Sith Lord, and had even defied, and eventually killed, one of Abeloth's Avatars. And who could forget the time Wynn had rushed up the stairs of the Jedi Temple to stand in between Jedi Raynar and an army of Mandalorians intent on blasting him down. She never would.

In fact it was this specific incident, that had drawn the eye of this powerful woman.

Knowing this man was now hers, her possession, was intoxicating. The fact that their courtship and marriage had been a closely guarded secret, had given the whole thing an air of forbidden pleasure.
It was like discreetly dissolving a piece of gourmet chocolate under your tongue in public, with no one the wiser.

Discretion had been paramount. Wynn had a grand vision for the alliance: A reborn republic!
And as innocuous as it seemed, their new marriage would turn out be the catalyst to these visions becoming reality. Timing, however, was everything. Once important legislation had been passed by the senate, the announcement of their marriage would serve as a symbol of a new age. An Age of Reason. An Age of peace.

So there they sat, lest than 3 meters apart; Meters that seemed like lightyears. Their time would come...

For now, they had business of state to deal with. With a tremendous effort, she dragged her mind away from the future, and planted it firmly in the here and now. And in the here and now, she and the others involved in this meeting had to come up with solutions to a concerning trend.

She tried to lock her attention on to the current speaker of the group.
"... If Master Tekli and her Jedi hadn't intervened we would have lost all six teams, not to mention a month's supply of Ryll..." said Garik Loran, head of Galactic Alliance Security.

The diminutive Chadra- Fan acknowledged Garik's assessment of the incident with a slight bow of the head.

Wynn, always the consummate bureaucrat, did not disappoint: "I'm sorry for the loss of your men Garik. Do we know who was behind it?"

"Spice Dealers who will, almost guaranteed, be traced back to Black Sun... That's the direction my investigation is leaning toward."

"Hijacking a government escorted armoured cargo hauler? Were they using a little bit too much of their own product?" Wynn asked sardonically?

"If they are, then they aren't the only ones" replied Imperial Head of State, Vitor Reige.

"In the last week, a dozen or so minor proxy wars have broken out.... Mostly in sectors disputed by one or more Moffs. Mando's, along with other Merc groups are being flown in in bulk to blast one another for whoever's paying the bill." Up till this point, Vitor's summery of the situation had the stiff upper lip tone, that was quintessentially imperial. That tone was abandoned to a more, uncharacteristic, sheepish one, as he continued: "Master Tekli... I know we haven't technically joined the Alliance yet, but...Would you... or could we call upon the Jedi, to help bring some order to this chaos."
It was a milestone moment. The Jedi being asked to help maintain law and order within the imperial remnants borders!
The last vestiges of Palpatine's vision was truly being swept away.

"I must confer with Grand Master and with the rest of the council, head of state, but I can speak for myself in saying... We would honoured. Mind you...The Jedi are spread out thin right now, but we will help where we can. I believe Ben Skywalker is near imperial space, I'll see if we can send him."

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