Chapter 7 (High Speed Hijinks) Part I

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Location: Coruscant

The loving family of 4 from Sullust, had saved up for 3 years to visit the galactic capital.
They were the quintessential tourists, and they wore that badge of honour proudly.
It was not hard for their itinerary to become instantly jammed packed, considering the myriad diversions Coruscant had to offer.

Besides the attractions that were unique to the ecumenopolis, the planet sported innumerable "everyday"establishments of every kind of variation, that were imbued with an intangible novelty bestowed upon it, just because of it's Coruscanti address. Even the feeling of being crammed into a rental speeder while zipping through sky lanes, had a distinct "Coruscant flavour "to it.

Unfortunately, all the "fun family times" of the past week were undone in a matter of heartbeats, as the speeder said family had rented, plummeted out of the sky toward the City's bottomless depths.
Fellow motorists could only watch in horror and swerve out of the doomed vehicle's way, as it dropped down with it's cargo of screaming souls. The children in the back seat had their little hands to the rear viewport watching as gravity turned on them like a wounded bloodfin. That's when a slightly larger hand pressed against the transparisteel... from the outside of the speeder!
That hand radiated hope and calm, as did the being attached to it; a teenage boy no older than 16. He had shoulder length red hair, wore brown plain robes, and... A lightsaber hung at his belt. But not for long.

In the next instant, that lightsaber snap-hissed to life, bathing the interior in a soft green glow. With one continuous motion, the young Jedi (he could be nothing else) sliced into the speeders roof, showering the area with sparks, but being careful not to injure the precious cargo inside. With a seemingly innocuous motion of the hand, the roof lifted free of the speeder like the lid on a can of smoked Chuba filet's to reveal a terrified Sullustan family huddled in the centre of the ever descending death trap.

The Jedi Padawan, lept up in the air and, with a summersault, came down right inside the speeder.

He was met with blubbering crys of desperation and terror from the poor family, who knew a total of 10 words in basic. But Josat would not let a little thing like "not knowing a common language"  and an "out of control vehicle" stop him from expressing himself fully.

"Don't worry about the speeder! I'm sure your rental fee included insurance for situations like this." He said to the sullustans that just sat there looking at one another, wondering if this strange young human was having some kind of mental breakdown.

"I'm sure that the underwriters for that particular policy had fender benders, or theft in mind but I do believe that any basic insurance policy includes coverage for damage resulting from the commission of any crime. Whatever the case I sure hope that this little incident hasn't put you off..." His currant run on sentence was cut off by a voice crackling over his commlink.

"Josat! You know your still falling, right?" It was his Master, a Chandra-fan Jedi named Tekli.

Tekli was recently elevated to the rank of Master, becoming the order's Chief healer. The jubilance of the occasion had been subdued, owing to the fact that it came as a result of Master Cilghal's death. That being said, Tekli had slipped into the role with ease. She had thought her days in the field were over. That clearly was not the case.

"Oh! Right! Thank you master." The young Padawan replied in earnest.

That was classic Josat. Aka Hyper-mouth. Josat became overly talkative when he was nervous, hungry, disappointed, surprised, happy.... Pretty much all the time. On most occasions, it was fine. In fact, many times it was quite enlightening. But in 15 seconds, the speeder was going to make impact and Josat had to focus.

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