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2021, 7:45 AM

It had all started there, where evil had been reborn from the Underworld by the greed of man subsequently entailing total panic at the Scholastic Domain, the one who had put hundreds of innocent lives at risk. The corrupt antagonist was talking to his right arms at the main entrance of the headquarters. He was so angry and hostile because of an order given to two of his scouts, who had died for no clear reason.

Ethan: "Go to that school and retrieve those two idiots!!! Fuck!!! One thing they had to do!!! And hurry up!!" he said in a cold, arrogant tone.

Astrid: "It will be done, sir!" she said coolly and then ran sprawling out of the facility.

Ethan turned around drawing a deep breath as one of his henchmen ran alarmed toward him.

Minion: "Sir!!! I have analyzed the telematics system of our headquarters!!! Astrid and Ghost have betrayed us!!!" he said in panic, gesturing with papers in his hand.

Ethan: "EXPLAIN!" he shouted furiously.

Minion: "They are planning to murder her!!! They want to kill her!!! I pulled this document from their mailboxes and it looks like evidence to bankrupt the league!!! A student discovered the tampered videos!!! What do we do?!" he said frightened by his leader's malignant gaze.

Ethan: "No way!!! We paid the best editors in the world to disguise the true and raw reality!!! TELL ME!!!" he shouted, grabbing his shoulders.

Minion: "I-I don't know, sir!!! Then the emails were deleted by the receiver, but I was able to retrieve them...." he said terrified.

Ethan: "THOSE TRAITOROUS BASTARDS WILL PAY DEARLY!!! I WILL CONQUER AND DESTROY THAT FUCKING SCHOLASTIC DOMAIN!!!! DO YOU HEAR ME RIGHT!?!?!" he shouted at the top of his lungs, shaking the poor frightened minion out of his rage.

His loud scream echoed throughout the atrium of the structure, but all of a sudden a chilling reptilian growl came from underground sending chills down the spine of Ethan Hawkins, including even his allies in the area. The leader's wails and screams of rage had been replaced by a silence of pure tension, so much so that he looked slowly in the direction of the central floor of the colossal atrium.

Minion: "S-Sir, what was that?" he said in a trembling voice.

Ethan: "Let's find out...." he said in anguish and stared at the place where the frightening sound had come from.

Later the giant atrium of the Eye Of Earth Headquarters became an excavation site as the corrupted heroes wanted to find out what was hiding beneath their feet. Some members were digging up the floor of the atrium with pickaxes, others were using drills, but instead the leader of the Heroic League was directing the work from the distance, over the steps to be exact, threateningly ordering them to dig without interruption. He had Alastor's cursed red book with him ready to use it to punish those who opposed his orders. Work lights, metal crates, plastic tables, maps and weapons dominated the digging area when one of the members felt that the floor was about to collapse at any moment.

Member: "Stop!! Don't dig!!" he cried out in panic, but unfortunately the lobby floor collapsed leading to a desperate escape as Ethan watched in disbelief as the floor collapsed revealing a huge, colossal dark cave.

Ethan: "This is not good at all..." he said, stammering in shock.

Member: "Next orders, sir?" he said nervously.

HELLUVA SCHOOL: THE LEGEND OF GIASONE ❄️⚜️Where stories live. Discover now