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SUNDAY, 10:23 P.M.

On the quiet, snowy evening, the high school was deserted and dark, yet Asia Chatillon, using a bluish portal, teleported into the security office, the exact same room where Loris worked for one night as a night watchman two years ago, along with the leader of the Immediate Murder Professionals, namely Blitz. Asia Chatillon immediately headed to turn on a computer while Blitz spoke to her.

Blitz: "Listen to me, Asia, I can understand that you want to solve this, that you had to deal a lot with violence... BUT HOW THE FUCK DID YOU SLAUGHTER THOSE IDIOTS!? BY YOURSELF!! You'd make a great I.M.P. member!" he exclaimed surprised and delighted, approaching Asia.

Asia: "I don't want to be part of any team, Blitz! The reputation of the school and all the students is at stake here! What do other schools think of us after what happened with the sandwich incident!? We are being targeted, in addition to being in all the newspapers!" she exclaimed irritably, noticing and tearing up a newspaper article showing the news of the death of the two students.

Blitz: "But... are you famous?" he asked with an awkward smile.

Asia Chatillon glared at him, and Blitz lowered his eyes in shame.

Blitz: "I take back what I said." he said, chuckling nervously.

Meanwhile, the computer turned on and Asia Chatillon immediately set out to search the databases containing all the data of Carlo Anti students. Thanks to her stealthy spying and retrieval techniques, Asia illegally had the credentials to access the databases.

Blitz: "Did you know that if you get caught? You could..." he said worriedly and surprised only to be interrupted.

Asia: "I know what I'm doing! And now... SHUT THAT MOUTH!" she exclaimed irritated.

Blitz's eyes went wide from the absurd response, she reminded him a lot of Loona.

Blitz: "You look a lot like Loona.... determined, with a strong character." he said a little intimidated.

Asia: "So what? What would that mean?" she asked seriously, as she typed in the credentials to access the database.

Blitz: "Uhm... that... you would be a good friend for Loris, a human friend and not a demon. Loris told me that he holds you in high esteem and... that..." he said intimidated and a little frightened as he finished the sentence.

Asia: "What, Blitz? What?" she asked starting to get irritated as she searched for the Raven leader's information.

Blitz: "That you... you are the only human girl who has accepted him despite having us as his hellish friends. Everyone else seems to be intimidated or scared of Loris's presence, maybe because we are his shadows, especially Loona, but you... you, Asia... you loved him anyway, you made him feel understood in this society." he said with a genuine smile.

Asia stopped and blushed a little, so surprised by Blitz's words. Asia looked at him and said:

Asia: "Loris deserves to have some of his own kind by his side, besides having hellish friends. We both know that he is strange to him this reckless life and different from others, one day he will have to face a normal life and he cannot always be facilitated by you, except for your sentimental support. And I will do my best to make him get used to normality, I'm just afraid that one day he might not like the hellish life in the I.M.P. anymore and change his mind. He told me so himself." she said sadly.

Blitz: "What do you mean? You mean... is he moving away from us?" he asked worriedly.

Asia: "I'm very sorry to tell you this, Blitz, but that's what he's trying to do, but he doesn't want to hurt you... And he especially doesn't want to hurt Loona in the first place." she said apologetically.

Blitz: "Shit! Maybe we need to step in and do something. We should also get used to the idea that one day Loris may leave us than hold him back. However, Loona doesn't want, doesn't want to lose him again." he said worried and demoralized.

Asia: "Blitz, it's normal to have these worries. He is no longer a child, he is almost an adult and he will have to find a job, a home, a space in society, but in his own world, not in Hell. You are like his family and you simply have to accept him. You cannot stop him and already arrange his fate, he is the owner of his life." she said with a reassuring smile.

Blitz: "You are right, Asia. I will try to convince Loona... even if it will not end well." he said with a smirk.

Asia: "Now, how about we go back to our work?" she asked with a friendly smile.

Blitz: "All right, let's look for the asshole." he said with a friendly smile.

Asia Chatillon searched and searched all the student lists, but nothing that belonged to the leader of the Ravens. Then she typed the name "Markus" in the search bar, but as soon as she clicked the enter key, the page went blank with a message:

"No students found"

Asia Chatillon opened her eyes wide in disbelief and realized her plan.

Asia: "You son of a bitch! Markus didn't enter his data into the database so he wouldn't get caught! Then how the fuck can he wander around the school and participate in lessons?" she exclaimed irritated and confused.

Blitz: "What if... he actually had access to the database at any time and deleted his data before we arrived?" he asked puzzled.

Asia: "Maybe he learned about what I did to those assholes on the train! What an ungrateful coward and bastard!" she exclaimed furiously and knocked over a pen holder out of nervousness.

Blitz: "So, what do we do? We don't even know what he looks or feels like!" she exclaimed agitatedly.

Asia: "Calm down, I have everything under control. Tomorrow I will inform Loris of what I found and then..." she said seriously.

Blitz: "And then what?" he asked in curiosity.

Asia: "We will set up an espionage... and I already know who will help us!" she exclaimed satisfied with a mischievous smile.

Something military style was about to begin at that school, an operation for the sake of the students, but a bit too excessive and violent according to many, of course. But the only way to stop the leader of chaos.

HELLUVA SCHOOL: THE LEGEND OF GIASONE ❄️⚜️Where stories live. Discover now