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Tanjiro put on his bag full of coal. He was abnormally strong despite his small frame, so he had no struggles what so ever. He yawned and heard his mother call. "Tanjiro! Come here! Your face has sout all over." Tanjiro walked over quietly. Once he got to where his mother was, she scrubbed away the sout. "You don't have to go down, you's quite cold.." Kie said as she stood out the cloth down. Although having been Tanjiro's mother, she only ever saw him smile once or twice. Ever since Tanjuro and Rokuta died, Tanjiro refused to ever show emotion. The only emotion he showed was anger at himself but always kept up the kindness towards his family. "I want everyone to have a nice New Year." Tanjiro replied as he turned around to the trail. His other siblings came out, and all cheered out together. "Bye, Tanjiro! We love you!" Tanjiro stopped and turned around. Giving a small smile. He waved and went back to his stoic face and walked off.

The first smile they saw for a while from him.

But that was the last time Tanjiro smiled to his family.

When Tanjiro decended the mountain, a small village appeared. It was full of people. Children were playing with snow, and the adults were hard at work. Though a large crash was heard and a man quite beaten up appeared. "Tanjiro-san! Tanjiro-san! Please tell her I didn't break it!! I did no such thing, but she won't believe me!" He said hurridely. A woman came marching out after him and grabbed him by the collar. Tanjiro, who had a nose that can practically smell anything, sniff the broke pieces of what seemed to be a vase. "It smells like a cat.." Tanjiro said monotoningly. The man thanked him over and over again, and the woman apologised to the man. "Heyo Tanjiro-san! Can you give some coal to me?"Oh me too, please!" Tanjiro nodded and came towards them with the coal.

Despite his cold nature, he was very helpful and generous, so the villagers ignored that trait. They knew his loss and how it affected him.

When Tanjiro finally finished selling the coal, it was nightfall. He was amazed at what he achieved. 'This should be enough yen to hold a small feast for the family..' As he started climbing up old man, Saburo quickly stopped him. "Tanjiro! Don't tell me you're going to go up the mountain at this time of night?! Come here and rest!"Ah, it's okay-" Tanjiro protested but was cut off. "Now before the demons showed up."

Tanjiro thanked Old man Saburo for the meal and ate. The two didn't exchange any other words other than "You can sleep here." and "Goodnight."

That night, he couldn't sleep. He was thinking about different things. 'Hmm, demons? I remember Grandma talking about them and how they can enter houses. But we're protected by the demon slaying corps.. I hope she's right..'

The next morning came, and Tanjiro slung the basket on. Waving goodbye and saying thank you to Saburo, he started his journey back up the mountain. Walking through the snow carefully, then he paused. He smelled a faint metalic smell. The smell of blood. Tanjiro hesitated and then started going into a run. When he reached his home, his eyes slightly widened his eyes. He saw Nezuko sprawled over Takeo in a protective manor, but they hadn't gone far. He ran forward. "Nezuko, Takeo.." Tanjiro whispered. He turned his head and saw the rest of his family. Hanako was behind his mother, Kie, as if she was trying to protect her, though both met their demise. Shigeru was found on the sleeping mat they shared.

His family was dead.

He knew it was a demon that attacked.

But why, especially his family?!

The weird thing was. Tanjiro didn't cry. Tanjiro didn't feel sorrow. No..all he felt was anger. Anger at himself. Anger at the demon who slaughtered his family for no reason at all. He sighed and got up. His family didn't deserve this. But they deserved a proper burial.

When his family was in cleaner robes and buried, it was mid day. He prayed. Prayed that they made their way to Rokuta. Prayed they found Father. Prayed they made their way to heaven. He prayed they made it to the afterlife safely. He heard a sneeze behind him. In surprise, he turned around. "Who are you?" He demanded a little harshly. "Ah! I apolgies..." The mysterious older woman wore revealing clothing, despite it being cold here. Though she wore a large coat. "Are you cold? Would you like some tea?" Tanjiro asked. The woman was surprised. "But your family.." Tanjiro looked at the multiple grave. "It is no use to cry. It is no use to feel sorrow. I'll only cry and feel sorrow when the person who killed my family is slaughtered." Tanjiro's eyes darkened as he spoke. "I see.. My name is Mitsuri Kanroji..and I'll pass on the tea. I'd like to speak to you if I can.."She knew the boy was young. But why was he so..what was the word? Emotionless? He had emotions, though..anger was an emotion, was it not? But no child should have so much anger in them. It confused her. "My name is Kamado Tanjiro." The boy replied with a stoic face. "What is it you'd like to speak about?"Well, I was wondering if you'd like to come train under me so you can slaughter the demon that killed your family."

If she was going to train someone. She would have to go to the heart of the problems. Even if it meant doing something she'd probably regret.

There are some things I'd like to speak about before you swipe to the next chapter. One, yes, I killed off an extra person..I kinda wanted to fuel some anger to the fire. What did he die to? He caught the same sickness Tanjuro had. Because he was very young, it killed him off faster.

Will Tanjiro know Sun breathing? Yes! He will! But he'll be using love breathing for the most part.

What kind of relationship will Mitsuri and Tanjiro have? I'm thinking about a mother/son or sibling relationship!

You're also wondering how he'll meet the other hashira.. I actually have an idea in mind for that part, BUT it'll be a major plot change.

Will he have the same kind energy to demons? Maybe.. I'll let the story decide as it goes!!

Anyways!! Im gonna be moving my attention to this story and the other story. Im gonna try posting two chapters for each story. (Night Sunrise and Emotionless Love) Im also planning on making a completely different story plot that's just random! Where a hashira meets the Nezuko and Tanjiro but their little silly demons! I have three hashira in mind to do that, but I'll spin a wheel..unless yall would like to decide? For any other questions, tell me! Im planning on answering questions every chapter I do. Anyways- the author is out!

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