Mission Alone? 2/3

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Zenitsu didn't know how, but Tanjiro was surprisingly calm about the whole demon thing. But then he noticed Tanjiro's..fashion choice. "If you don't mind me asking..what is with your..uhm.. outfit choice?" Tanjiro looked at him but kept walking. His crow had left for some food sometime ago, so his arms were currently free. "It's due to the breathing style I use. I need to be extra flexible, and my master had told me that I needed my costume to be modified due to the style." Tanjiro responded. "I see..what's your breathing style? I use thunder breathing.. but I'm not too good.." Zenitsu had asked. "Love breathing." He bluntly responded, which caused Zenitsu to look at him funny. "Hah?!"


They had finally reached their mission destination. A large mansion stood before them, and Tanjiro grimaced. The smell coming from the mansion is a very rotten and metalic type. He then heard some crying next to the sidelines. Tanjiro turned around and spotted two young children shaking and crying. Tanjiro turned around and walked towards them, Zenitsu bringing up the rear. "Hello." Tanjiro crouched down to the level of the kids. He spoke in a soft tone. He knew how to treat younger children as he was the eldest of his family he had to take care of his siblings as their mother was always stressed ever since their father had passed on.

The children just stared. Tanjiro couldn't help but frown a little. He then had an idea. Although he kept a stoic face present on his face, he spoke in a kind like manner. "I have something to show you." Tanjiro then revealed the sparrow that Zenitsu had as his messenger. The younger girl looked at the sparrow with a slight sadness and happiness mixed in her eyes as she stepped closer, but the elder one grabbed hold of her haori. "Are-are you o-one of t-them.." The boy stuttered. Tanjiro knew what the boy referred to as he gave a quick head shake. "No, in fact, we are the ones who are supposed to slay them." The boy relaxed a bit as he let the girl go over to pet the sparrow. "Can you explain to me and my comrade here why you're crying? You both also seem rather young to be here out on your own. Unless..is that you estate over there?" Tanjiro nodded over to the mansion in which the boy started to shake his head. "No, but our older brother was taken by some disorted looking person! It was so fast that we could barely run after our brother..Please..Please help us!" The boy cried. Tanjiro nodded as he got up towards the door. Zenitsu placed down his box. "You both stay here and watch this box for me? It's very valuable to me.." Zenitsu said as he intrusted his box to the children in which they nodded in response. Zenitsu then ran after Tanjiro as they both went inside.

Once inside the building, they both heard footsteps of children run behind them in fright. Zenitsu screeched as both children came running in. "I-I thought I told you two to stay put!" Zenitsu cried in distress now that his box was left unattended. "Zenitsu-" There was a loud sound of a drum, and Zenitsu and the young boy disappeared. "Stay close." Tanjiro said as the little girl grabbed his hand in fright.

Part 3 is coming soon

Part 3 is coming soon

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