Mt.Natagumo 1/2

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  ]It's quite late because I couldn't think of the plot on where Tanjiro meets the hashira. So I decided on how the hashira meeting would go after this arc.So, now after careful plot thinking I finaly figured it out. Anyways, lets a start. Sorry for the short chapter :((, but this is the last day of school before exams start then I can continue writing the stories in my spare time!! Im hoping to have realeased most of the chapters that Im currently plotting, Im also planning on making special chapters!!! Like birthday specials etc, as well as some chapters for both Moonlit sun + Night Sunrise!! Sorry that this A/N Is super long :'), but I'll try to be active as possible, planning on posting alteast two chapters per week during the summer or something...So! Without further a do, let's start!

The small group of friends had thanked the lady when the doctors gave the okay to leave. When the lady decided to use some sparks for luck on their long journey, Inosuke took it the wrong way and tried attacked the lady but was dragged back by Tanjiro, who mumbled a sorry.

"Baka! The sparks are for goodluck! And don't go around attacking women!" Zenitsu scolded Inosuke. The group had begun to jog to their next destination as the crow had stated that they needed to go to Mt.Natagumo. Many demon slayers have disappeared in that mountain. Much to Tanjiro's annoyance, Zenitsu and Inosuke kept arguing. Not wanting anymore of this, and feeling pity for the demon brother Zenitsu had on his back, he jogged back to Zenitsu,

"Would you like me to hold the box for you?" Tanjiro asked. Zenitsu thought for a moment. It be less weight added and it be easier to run. "Uh- sure!" Zenitsu handed the box over to Tanjiro but that just added fuel to the flames when Inosuke started ranting on how weak Zenitsu was. Sighing, Tanjiro ran forward, box on his back. He wanted it to be quiet in order for Kaigaku to be sleeping. He bursted in a full on sprint. "HE'S SPEEDING UP! NO WAY! I AM THE BEST!!" Inosuke cried. But sadly they only caught up to Tanjiro only an after Tanjiro had arrived. It was currently night, the mountain was full of trees and over growth that made Zenitsu feel uneasy. He completely forgot about the box that settled on Tanjiro's back that also held Kaigaku. Zenitsu yelped when he heard a high pitched yell from the forest as Tanjiro rushed in, Inosuke took a second to register on what happenend and ran after him, slower. Zenitsu stood still still frightned. "The-they left me...Wait..KAIGAKU! TANJIRO IF YOU GET HIM HURT I SWEAR!" Zenitsu finally remembered about his brother before rushing in.

Tanjiro kept running before he found a clearing. He spotted an older demon that had strings attached to her fingers. Unshealthing his blade he jumped forwards with blinding speed. The demon yelped in surprise and tried using her strings to stop him.

"Love breathing..second form; Love pangs." He said in a monotone voice as the strings around him where cut through when his blade extended into a whip like sword surronding him like a sheild, which surprised the demon who never saw any swords like this.

"Love breathing..first form; Shivers of first love." The next thing the demon knew, her head was cut off. But it wasn't painful, instead, the feeling made her calm. "Thank you...oh..demon slayer..there's a lowermoon on this careful.." The demon disappeared. Tanjiro looked with pity at the demon. "Right...I still have Kaigaku.." Tanjiro whispered when he heard the door opened and there was Kaigaku who then clung onto Tanjiro when he realised Zenitsu wasn't there. Kaigaku at the moment was small in size. Tanjiro picked him up. "Sorry..did I disturb your sleep?" Tanjiro asked in a soft tone. As if he was once again speaking to his siblings. Kaigaku shook his head 'no' and fell asleep again when he realised his brother can take care of himself. Tanjiro put Kaigaku back in the box and shealthed his sword and picked the box up. Using his sense of enhanced smell, he followed where the strongest demon scent was. He couldn't take on a moon, but he sure as hell will try.


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