Chapter 19 Megatron's Death

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Lennox Says *Sam Take The AllSpark To A Building To Be Escorted Out Of The City* Despite Sam's Refusal To Leave Bumblebee Handed The Cub To Him Urging Him To Go & Sam Was Pursued By Megatron & StarScream & Blackout & With Ratchet & IronHide Providing Protection But They We're Injured By StarScream & Sam Was Forced To Leave With Out Them During his flight & Sam dropped the AllSpark & causing some nearby machines to come to life. Reaching the building & Sam ignited a flare Saying *I'm Here Over Guy's? & Do You See Me!*

& As Sam ran off with the AllSpark & So Then Megatron ordered the Decepticons to attack. Starscream and Blackout fought Ironhide and Ratchet for the AllSpark. At that moment & Optimus Prime appeared and challenged Megatron. Barely managing to growl out Prime's name & Megatron & StarScream transformed & flew at Prime at full speed. Optimus leaped & grabbed a hold of Megatron & who slammed him into a building before flying right through a skyscraper. Both leaders landed in the middle of an intersection & but Megatron was the first to recover and leaped upon his brother & snarling that the humans were undeserving of life.

Optimus Prime replied Saying *They Have the right to choose for themselves Bother* before he threw his brother off. Megatron declared Saying that if Prime wished to defend them & he should *You Should Join Them In The Age Of Extinction Prime My Bother* & forming his fusion cannon. Before he could fire & the Autobot leader drew his ion blaster & fired & hitting Megatron. The Decepticon leader shrugged off this attack & spun around from the momentum & fired his cannon & throwing Optimus Prime into the side of a building. & Megatron Then Chased Sam Into A Building.

Megatron pursued Sam & who had removed the AllSpark from Hoover Dam & destroying everything that stood in his way. Sam ran to a dilapidated building that was the designated coordinates for a human military evacuation team & Megatron smashed his way through & yelling out to him.
[Sam runs to the top of a skyscraper & prepares to hand over the Cube to a waiting helicopter...]
Sam Prime : [spotting Starscream]  WATCH OUT!
[Starscream fires at the copter & incapacitating it]
Sam Prime : Oh my God... Where do I go?
Optimus Prime : [hurrying across rooftops]  Hang on & Sam!
[With a crash & Megatron rises from below; frightened & Sam clings to a statue at the edge of the building]
Megatron : Is it fear or courage that compels you & fleshling?
Sam Prime : [terrified]  Oh no! No!
Megatron : Give me the All Spark & you may live to be my pet.
Sam Prime : [still making a stand]  I'm never giving you this All Spark!
Megatron : Oh & so unwise...
[With a roar & he pulls out a flail from his arm & smashes the rooftop & sending a screaming Sam plummeting towards the ground...]
Optimus Prime : [grabbing Sam]  I got you & boy! Hold on to the Cube!
[Prime leaps down & but Megatron grabs him & all three tumble down into the street]

As a nearby human bystander (Micheal Bay himself) attempted to run, the Decepticon expressed his disgust at his proximity & flicked him away. Protecting the young boy & Prime declared that their war would end here & it was now just between the two brothers. Though lusting for the AllSpark & Megatron decided to indulge his brother's obvious death wish & declaring that only he was in this fight. Despite Optimus Prime's best efforts & Megatron was relentless & matching the Autobot leader with blow after devastating blow until he collapsed. Adding insult to injury & Megatron informed Prime that his defense of the "weak" was the real reason he lost.

Megatron turned his attention back to Sam Who Backs Away To Protect The AllSpark Cube From Him & Prime Puts His Hand In Front Of Sam Then Says *Don't Touch Him Bother* but was suddenly attacked by fighter jets & Captain Lennox's ground soldiers firing SABOT rounds. Optimus took this chance & striking Megatron & knocking him down. His armor damaged & Megatron ignored the punishment & focused on & that Megatron : [lunging at Sam]  I'll kill you! Mine... All Spark!
Optimus Prime : Sam! Push the Cube into my chest Now* & Sam Says *No I'm Not Letting You Sacrifice YourSelf* & the boy instead pushed it into the NowExposed spark in Megatron's chest & overloading him with energy and extinguishing the Decepticon's life force. As Optimus Prime stood over Megatron's lifeless shell & watching the light flicker out of his brother's optics & he remarked Sombrely & yet remorsefully & that Megatron had left him no choice & removed what was left of the AllSpark from his brother's spark cavity.

Then Prime Says To Everyone *We Did It My Allies We Won This Battle Together* & The Army/Autobot's Say *We Knew We Would Win This War Finally & With Everything That's Happened With Us Lately We All Deserve To Go A Long Break* & Lennox See's Sam Walking Away & Says *Sam What Are You Doing? Come Back Here Ok* & They All Look To Where Lennox Looking At & Says *Sam What's Wrong Buddy? Are You Ok?* & Sam Turns Around & Says Sobbing :( *Good Job & You Guys Did It You Ended The War With Megatron & Yeah I'm Fine I Just Need To Go Home Now*

The Army/Autobot's Say *Sam Why Are You Crying? & We Didn't Kill Megatron You Did Sam* & Sam Says *I Guess They We're Right & You Only Needed Me To Get To The Glasses/AllSpark Cube & You Got What You Wanted I Guess You Don't Need Me Anymore Right?* So They Say *What? & Who Was Right & We Didn't Use You To Get The Cube/Glasses Who Told You That Sam* So He Says Falling On His Nee's Crying :( *StarScream Told Me That & Now I Don't Know If He's Lying Or Not* They Say Angrily *What?! StarScream Told You That?!* So Sam Says *I'm Sorry?* So They Say *No Sam It's Ok!* Sam Say *Okay?!*

Bumblebee Says *Sam/Baby I'm Glad Your Safe & I Thought Megatron Killed You Both Of* So Sam Say's *Well Be Glad He Didn't Love Okay* So He Says *Yeah I Am I Was Just Worried For You* So Both Primes Say *Don't Worry Bee We're Fine Ok*

1007 Words For Chapter 19

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