1: Home.

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Authors note: Firstly, welcome to my second ever Noah story, thank you all so much for the continued support even after Concrete Hearts—this story will be heavier, and some topics are similar to the other story. There will be mentions of abuse as well as heavy chapters, all the heavier chapters will have a trigger warning at the start.
But, enough for me rambling and being a soppy mess, enjoy the story and again thank you so much.

"You said you would be here?" I said through the phone as I looked around the airport terminal, eyes scanning each face in the crowd as they walked past me, surely getting to go home while I was stuck here waiting.

"I'm sorry, I was running late!" my brother said on the phone.

"Forget it, I am going to get a taxi" I said going to hang up my phone.

Laughter from the other end of the phone. "Jeez, you don't have patience, I can see you, idiot" turning my head my brother's smile was the first thing as he noticed before he opened his arms to me. "Faith!" he smiled pulling me into his embrace.

Wincing slightly from the hug, I pulled away, smiling as I looked at my older brother who was slightly taller than me by an inch or two. "Nick, you are late—you promised I wouldn't be waiting all day" I reminded him as we grabbed my bags.

"Yeah well, when we only had a week to get your room ready it was kind of hard to be on time—I think you're going to love it though, you know, besides the roommate part but, we got your room ready, and the guys are setting up a small office space for you" he looked down at me as we reached what I assumed was his car.

Looking at Nick, he stopped when he noticed me looking at him, "what?"

It had been four years since I last seen him, or anyone really working as in social media, I moved in with my ex pretty quickly and since then my face became less and less on the internet but still working on behind the scenes stuff.
Shaking my head, I hugged him tighter this time than when we were inside. "I missed you, you big dork, and ugh, thank you for letting me stay" I teased to make sure he didn't get a hint of me being upset at all.

Hugging me back, I knew he was happy to have me back—when I asked to move in with him for a bit he nearly jumped on the next plane to help me move. Nick was my overprotective big brother, but I wouldn't have it any other way honestly, of course in the four years I didn't see him or the rest of my family he couldn't play that role, no matter how badly I needed it.
Getting into the passenger seat, Nick got himself in the drivers' seat, his smile still beaming as he started the car. "Don't thank me, you know I would do anything for you, it's what brothers are for."

We spoke briefly about how his band was going, since the success of their latest album, and how his friends were—I only ever briefly met them here and there, but I was nervous as his friend Noah I did find cute, and that would make me nervous around him.

Pulling into the driveway of their home, I looked at the house that fit my brother, his friends and myself as we grabbed my bags from the car, him of course commenting how I didn't pack a lot of my stuff. "Starting fresh, it's a nice reset" I said to him, not a lie of course, I did willingly leave most of my belongings with my ex after I finally had enough. He would most likely trash them or sell them for money, and I really didn't care as everything that was valuable to me or needed for work was currently with me in my move.

Opening the house door, it was nice to feel some form of air conditioning especially after being on a flight with strangers for the last few hours and then in a stuffy airport waiting on Nick. "Welcome home, Faith" said Nick as he strode more into the house.

Looking around, I looked up the stairs where a familiar face was coming down. It was Jolly, a grin on his face as his hair was tied in a messy bun on top of his head. "Faith, it's been so long!" he beamed, pulling me into his embrace for a moment.

"Yeah, yeah it has been—good to see you Jolly" I smiled up at him as he looked between me and my brother.
Looking around, I noticed Noah walking inside with Nicholas, both of them chuckling, eyes meeting mine Noah smiled as they made their way over to the group, my heart of course racing through my chest seeing him again.

"Hey, you made it! How was the flight?" he asked pulling me into his embrace similar to what Jolly had done moments ago.

Gulping, I looked down nodding my head, "it was good, you know lots of cranky old people and a crying baby—which I don't mind kids, the old people though" they all chuckled at my response.

The last time I saw this group, I was only nineteen, two years younger than Nick. I was currently twenty-three as I was an October child. My brother used to joke that I could have shared a birthday with Noah, instead my birthday was a day before his. "Well we managed to get your bed set up for you this morning" smiled Nicholas.

"Right, ugh yeah I am pretty tired actually—I'd love to see the room" gesturing for them to lead the way, all the men went into conversation. My room was in the basement, thankfully they mainly had a set up down here and a pool table, they said this was their hangout room and the guest room which was turned into my room. "Thanks" I smiled at them as they all looked at me, knowing they wanted to see my reaction to the room I nodded my head before grabbing the handle, the knob cool on my hand since the air conditioner was working down here.
Swinging the door open, my mouth fell open slightly as I took a step inside. The room had a good amount of space, a walk in closet that wasn't too big and the bed sat along the far wall with two matching beside tables. "You guys, you didn't have to do this—I would have been fine sleeping on the couch" I said taking in the room.

Wrapping his arm around me, Nick shook his head at me. "Nonsense, welcome home, Faith"
I was home.

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