5: Podcast.

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Author's note: Two huge appreciation things coming! Well, mainly a thank you. Thank you all for the endless love on Concrete Hearts, it has reached 16k reads which is a HUGE milestone for me, so thank you for helping me get to my personal goals—second, huge thank you for getting Limits to 1k reads, I am having so much fun creating fun stories for you all and reading all your fun/ lovely comments always makes me so happy and I feel so blessed to call everyone here my friends.

"What are you doing?" Nick asked as he watched Jamie and I set up her podcast in my office—we had been speaking for a few days and she asked if I would join her on her podcast today, reluctantly I did agree so now here we were setting it up in my office.

Setting up her camera, she smiled at my brother who seemed confused. "Fae has agreed to be on my podcast, so we are setting up—if you aren't going to help then I am going to kick you out" she teased.

Thankfully, Nick did help us finish up before she did kick him out of the office closing the door behind him and locking it. "Is he always hovering over you?" she asked gesturing to the door behind her where she just had my brother.

Taking a seat on the chair I chuckled moving my hair out of my face. "You have no idea, this is tame compared to how it was when I was a teenager" Nick was overprotective of his family, it didn't make him bad—it sometimes was nice to know he cared that much. "So, are we ready to begin?"

Checking her hair and makeup one last time, Jamie hit record on her camera before starting the recording she needed. "Hi, welcome back everyone—" I zoned out for a moment while she introduced herself to her podcast, "today I am here with a lovely member of the Bad Omens family, quite literally a member of their family—we have Faith Folio here with us, welcome on in Faith" she smiled brightly at me.

Smile on my face, I waved as a chuckle sounded from me, I was nervous since this would be my first appearance on anything since my ex. "Thanks for having me, Jamie—this is a new one for me for sure" I said to her.

"No worries, this seemed fitting—we go on a small break for about a month after this show, and what better way than to have Nick Folio's little sister? I don't know if you know this, but Nick was actually the first ever guest I had on this show" she blushed at that.

Nodding my head, I smiled as I held the mic she had given me to use. "No, no I didn't actually that is pretty cool" I smiled at her.

I could tell she was excited, and I loved that about her energy. "So, Faith, I understand you work doing social media, can you tell us a little bit of what you do or what you work on?"

The question was innocent enough. "Ugh I do edit for articles every now and then, but I mainly help with behind the scenes of the podcast world or editing videos—I am going to be working on some modeling gigs coming up which I am excited for, something fun for me to do—always busy that is for sure."

Jamie nodded her head before looking at her little note with questions on it. "Before you were into the social media game, you lived with your parents are your brother—at nineteen you moved into the bigger world, can you say what that was like for you, how different it was to be away from your family. . . Who I learnt Nick is like a best friend to you, correct?"

"You are correct" I said chewing my lip, the words swirled in my mind, how could I explain this enough where I didn't need to mention my ex at all. "When I was nineteen I wanted to you know be the big kid we all dreamed about when we were kids but always regretted" Jamie nodded her head, listening, "Um, I got into the social world about a year before that, so the transition into my move was also a big transition into my work as well, I lived closer to a few places that I helped. . . But, it was a bit of a challenge, you go from seeing your family every single day to it just being you . . . Nick and I didn't talk much while I was away, but I was busy with work and he was busy with Bad Omens" a lie, but not a full one—I couldn't mention my ex and how he hid me from the world and basically held me there.

"Did you miss home while you were away?"

"Every single day" I said more rushed than I liked it to be. "I mean, it was hard being alone out in the world, not that it wasn't something I couldn't do—I just think it is important to know when enough is enough and coming home has been so good for me, I mean, I get to see my family and hey you and I got to meet and even hang out" I chuckled.

A smile on Jamie's face was nice. She was beautiful and I could see why my brother had a crush on her, of course he would never admit it since he was stubborn. "That is very true, I know those listening to or watching this podcast will think this is our first-time meeting, but it isn't—I met Faith at a party her brother threw for her, it was really nice" she said.

We spoke more about work and what we liked for the future, how we would like to see the music scene and everything. "Well, that is all the time we had today—thank you so much Faith for joining me on this podcast today" said Jamie.

"Oh no problem, I think this is the most fun I had in a very long time" not a lie.

Helping her pack everything back up into her cases, we headed out into the backyard where my brother and Noah sat—they both looked up and a smile appeared on their faces. "You didn't interview me for that long, Jamie" Nick teased as he stood up fixing the hat he wore.

"You were on a time crunch, your tour manager gave you guys a set time and no more" she laughed crossing her arms, "Fae had more time, and we got carried away—it was fun."

"What, I'm not fun?"

Rolling my eyes I looked at my brother. "Maybe, just maybe I am the favorite Folio, we had fun—we got carried away about talking about band crushes and work, listen to the podcast if you really want to know" I said winking at Jamie before going back inside to get myself a drink, the others following behind.

"Band crushes, is that allowed on the podcast?" Noah asked leaning against the counter beside me his hands on either side of him.

Turning to see if Jamie was going to reply, I saw it was just us as Nick and Jamie had headed to the front door. "Ugh, yeah, I mean we were respectful and didn't go into like details—we are both adults now, so we kept it brief" I looked at Noah who wore an anime shirt and shorts, his hair in a ponytail.

"Hmm, might have to check it out then, seems fair to support my friends after all" he said looking at me with a smile.

"You won't be disappointed, it was a fun podcast, my first where I actually got to speak on it as well" I laughed.

"You mean to tell me you never were on one before?"

"Nope, I was a podcast virgin" I joked feeling my cheeks heat up before clearing my throat. "Ugh, you know maybe we can forget I said that?"

Noah let out a breathy chuckle as he looked down at me. "I think those words are in my brain forever now, now I really have to listen to the podcast if that was your first time" my cheeks heated more at the thought of Noah listening to It when it came out.

Going to open my mouth, Jamie called my name before entering the kitchen. "What are you doing Friday?" she asked as Nick came up beside her.

"Ugh most likely work, nothing special, why?" I asked the girl who was dancing on spot basically.

A smile on her face, she nodded. "You are coming out to a club with me on Friday, it is a new one and we get free drinks because. . ." she looked at her phone. "Dear Jamie Harrow, we at—" she began reading the email out to me, "we would like to invite you and a friend to come enjoy the new beverages and fresh music we have, if you are interested please reply to this email and know this is not a promotion but a welcome to the club, you and a few select others have been picked to enjoy a free night of fun" she smiled looking at me. "Free drinks, food and dancing it could be fun!"

Nodding I looked at Nick who seemed to look between us. "Why not take Nick?" I asked softly.

Rolling her eyes she waved a hand. "As much as I know he wants it, I want to have a girl's night—gets you away from all this" she gestured to Nick and Noah this time. "Come on, dress cute, do your hair and makeup and let's go dancing this Friday, I never get offers like this for free drinks" she seemed really excited about this.

Chewing my lips for a moment, I shrugged my shoulders. "Sure, why not" she cheered when the words left my mouth. I would be lying if I said I wasn't nervous because truthfully I was, the last time I was out drinking was the night I managed to get away from my ex.
What's the worse that could happen?

Limits |Noah Sebastian/ Bad Omens|Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang