An Agreement

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Izah looked at his brother.

"He agreed. He will say the same to the envoys tomorrow," said Ezekiel.

"He didn't ask anything?"

"He called the emperor. He was at his home, in Maynar's words. They both spoke to him.

"This Amory, he is really clever. I truly under-estimated him. He can see that I won't betray them. Well, that works for us. But why should he be cleverer than me?" scowled Izah.

Ezekiel was exasperated.


Raynar looked at the men who came to see him and Maynar. That they seemed so worried itself is hilarious when they had the gall to plot.

"So, you are telling me, I need to accept the person who has been blackening my omega's name all over the place as my brother's omega into my household?" asked Raynar.

"These writings, opinions- that can change. No one will bat an eye. And, Izah would never disrespect the em- Benayin broke off.

"The future emperor consort," said Raynar. He had no intention to hide what Amory is to him. He has always been clear about it.

"Yes, He will never disrespect anyone in the royal household," said Benayin.

"Anyway, the decision should be my brother's. But, from our part, the condition will be 30 votes- including the votes from your wife Jacintha Bason's family," said Raynar. All fell silent.

"Sure, that can be arranged," said Benayin.

"Then, I have no issues," said Maynar.

"Then, when can we hold the function?" asked Benayin.

"As soon as the emperor consort marries in, we can do it. But, not before," said Eri.

All looked at each other.

"But- why wait-

"It's not about waiting. The family's omega head marries in first. That's the Zarek way," said Eri. The men looked uncomfortable because for one, they expected Izah to marry in first. That won't work now. And, secondly the omega is talking over the alphas of the family.

"However, an engagement can be done. A promise," said Eri.


"Are you happy?" asked Raynar.

"He will be safe, naturally, I am happy. He is clever and far sighted but a little idiot. If he thought a bit more carefully, he wouldn't have shown his ambition to those wolves," said Amory.

"Did my older brother come?" asked Amory.

"No, he didn't."

"Is brother truly fine with this?"

"I think so. He didn't seem against it. If he marries a legitimate heir, that helps me further. I can make sure that he and my younger siblings are legitimised."

"Do you think their moves will end here?"

"I doubt it. They will try and dig up your past now to stop the original issue from being discussed," said Raynar.

"Are you both done plotting? I have made food," said Ari, from the door. They looked up and went over, ready to eat.

"Now, we should think of a partner for Eri," said Raynar, as they reached the dining room.

"No need. I am fine," said Eri, glaring at his brother who raised his hand defensively and sat down.


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