Trying Times

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All were on alert. By evening, Elia woke up and got fresh. He let his babies continue to sleep and picked his phone. There were no messages from Caspian. It has been four hours already. So, he called. But the phone was switched off. He called Caspian's staff and he couldn't get through either. He ran out and saw his brothers talking to staff who were going in and out in a rush.

"I can't reach Caspian," said Elia.

"The whole area seems cut off. We are reaching him. Sit here," said Maynar holding Elia who was shaking. He had been too worried about the deal this past week and nothing was helping.

"Have you sent the royal squad?" asked Elia.

Maynar paused.

"We cannot send the royal squad yet. He will be compromised and -

"I don't give a damn. I want my husband back, now. I know my brothers have the capacity to get it done. Are you sending the royal squad or not?" asked Elia. Himself and Eri had trained them in rescue of royal family members.

His brothers went quiet.

"They would have reported if something was wrong. We can't act without intel-

Elia just stared at them both. He turned and went in to his room. He grabbed his children, carrying Adrian on his shoulder and Anton in his arms. He went up to his brother's room where Amory was asleep and laid them both beside him before rushing out.

At the same time in the palace hall.

"The fourth prince breached security protocol and went out the other way. We couldn't stop him," a guard rushed in.


Both had their heart in their throats. It is not that they didn't want to rescue Caspian. Of course, they wanted to rescue their brother-in-law. Initially, they weren't very invested as they thought he will be fine and then the loss of contact happened.

There were many sides that they had to think about. To send royal squad to rescue, as per protocol, they need approval of three more lords. While Azor and Ansgar houses will approve, they still needed one more. If they reach out to the wrong person, it will compromise Caspian who is probably held captive.

But a prince's safety did not require any approval. The other is applicable only when handling extended family members. And even if that weren't the case, it's not like they can sit back and let their brother run to danger. They immediately followed.


Elia had a blueprint of the area as he had been in charge of watching the area earlier. He reached the location, unnoticed but it was way too quiet here. He had switched off all devices on him and it was very dark too. He got into the building and somehow, he had the courage to do it. All he could think about was Caspian's face when his children look at him and call him Baba or when Elia calls him alpha. There was light ahead. And a hand suddenly grabbed him.

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