Prince Elia Zarek- Lyr

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Elia was quiet as he watched Amory cook. The emperor had to leave and whenever he does, the emperor consort keeps himself busy, adjusting to the new change in his life. Clearly, it's not easy.

"So, when my brother is gone- you miss him? How did that work earlier?"

"Earlier, I just- I never fully believed that all of this is mine and he was infallible. I didn't think stepping out of there would make me so anxious or insecure, I guess. Having him around is just different you know. But, I can't develop that sort of dependency now," said Amory.

Elia smiled.

"If he hurts you even with a look, you should come back," said Amory.

"How was my husband to be as a child?" asked Elia.

"He was actually quite sweet. Had a surly look about him but would bring me treats he get to eat," said Amory.


"And, one day, my aunt caught him. In her struggle to be the best omega, she told her husband and father-in-law. They tied him up and he was hit until the message stuck to him," said Amory.


"But, he is an adult now. He should know what is right and wrong," said Amory.

"You are right," said Elia.


Caspian Lyr reached palace on a fateful Sunday. The man stood outside the doors. Elia was ready to leave. He looked at his family once and then turned to meet Caspian's eyes and left with the man. The journey back to Lyr household was easy one.

Ezekiel and Eri accompanied.

Caspian was silent as they entered Lyr household and he was led to the suite of rooms. He waited, quietly as he looked around. A very minimalistic room. It had some paintings catching dust against a wall. That's it. Elia looked up when he felt a towering presence. Naturally, he has known Caspian growing up. After Ezekiel, he is the most powerful noble in the capital. The heir to one of the most powerful families in the country.

Caspian sat next to him.

"We will mark each other now?" asked Caspian.

Elia nodded.

He looked at the man.

He didn't hesitate to make the first bite. Then the alpha looked at him, eyes blazing. Elia froze when he felt an arm pull him close and Caspian bent down and bit down on his mating gland. The mating mark took the shape of a crescent moon, like for all of them.

Caspian looked at Elia and scented him a bit so that the omega is secure. Elia met his eyes as they brushed their face against each other. It was too intimate and soft.

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