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Elia was ready the next morning. The locations of public protestations are chosen randomly by the royals. All the conservatives have assembled at the Azor mansion. With him and Eri present, no one dared gloat.

"The royal decree has come. It will be in an hour in the Azor garden," said Tarek, as he arrived.

"Here?" asked Caspian, surprised.

And then everyone was speculating.

Sure enough thousands of people gathered around the roads. However, only nobles and media were allowed in the hall.

Then as they all waited, the royal vehicle glided in. Just one. No guards, nothing. Out stepped Maynar Zarek from the driving seat. Izah got down from the other front seat. Then, Maynar opened the door and out stepped the emperor. His eyes fell on the nobles and there was a promise in it of punishment. They knew there will be backlash but if they didn't do this now, it would be easy to undermine nobility. Even the emperor mustn't forget.

He then turned and opened the door on the other side.

The emperor consort is beautiful. There is no other word to describe him. Flashes went off and everyone was gaping at the ethereal beauty that was softly smiling at the emperor, eyes crinkling. Many nobles present felt like they knew this face- like a familiar memory. It was like seeing someone from the past.

The emperor consort is the epitome of grace. And some among them has met him before. What can they say?

Benayin Azor was about to read the denouncement statement. But the emperor raised his hand.

"The emperor consort of Elmor has something to say," said Raynar.

At that all fell silent.

"I think I should introduce myself and ask a couple of questions myself before we proceed," said Amory.

"This is not a justification meeting, your highness. This is a denouncement," sneered a southern faction leader.

"I am merely introducing myself. You should know the whore you are punishing, right?" asked Amory.

All fell silent. No one expected the emperor consort to speak so blatantly.

"I am Amory Zarek, husband to your emperor Raynar Zarek," said Amory. All went even quieter. After all, this is the only person who can call the emperor by his name.

"I was born in this very land. My mother was a beautiful woman who was locked up in the backyard of Lyr mansion. Her name was Meredith," said Amory, quietly. The entire Lyr household was gaping and the Azors were staring at the man leading them.

"My maternal grandfather Marcel Lyr asked a servant in the backyard to name me. They called me Elm, after this land's name. Because what else can an uneducated omega call me? I was raised as Elm Azor," said Amory. He was looking at his older brother whose eyes were glassy as he looked at him. Izah was sobbing hard as he clutched Maynar and Caspian – Caspian was staring at him with the same emotions he saw in his brother's eyes.

They all heard the declaration fall from Benayin Azor's hand.

"If you doubt my paternity, you can match my DNA with my brother Lord Ezekiel Azor's. Decades back, I was a fly on that wall of the expanded courtyard of Lyr household. I have only seen my father from the shadows. My aunt, that poor woman was trying to gain favour with my grandmother. The best way was to kick out the last remnant of the illegitimate line. Days after days, I was tied to that very discipline post in the Lyr household to be punished for one thing or the other," said Amory and then he looked back at Caspian.

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