Chapter 3

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 Meethi and nani were chatting while Meethi was busy in making diyas to sell in the upcoming fair which was going to start tonight. Suddenly Meethi felt a pair of hands on her eyes. Meethi immidiatly knew who it was but still pretended.

"Satyakam you are and adult now. Stop behaving like a child. What will gudia think of you if she gets to know about your childish acts?" Meethi said while satyakaam was trying his best to keep Nani quiet by covering her mouth.

Listening meethi's reply, Imlie removed her hands.

"AMMA! you can't indentify your own daughter? Ok I won't talk to you now." Imlie crossed her arms and pouted.

Meethi  smiled at her daughter's antics and hugged her tightely. She was teary eyed by now.

"Do you really think that I didn't identifed my own daughter haan? Gudiya, I can identify you with just a slight touch of your's."

Meethi looked her daughter carefully.

"What are you looking for, Amma?"

"You are glowing Gudiya. You are looking very pretty and healthy. It means that you are taking a very good care of yourself. Right Satyakam?" Meethi asked Satyakaam who was now also looking at Imlie.

"Yeah. Meethi you are right. She has changed in a good way. After all, she is now free from all the 'burdens'. We now got our old Imlie back."


"Now will anyone let me meet my grandchild too?"

Nani inturrepted and hugged Imlie. 

"Of Course!"

"Of Course!"

Both Satyakaam and Meethi also joined the hug. The togather seemed like a perfect family picture. Imlie couldn't thank Sita Mayiya enough for her blessings and love.

The four of them went inside the hut.

Aryan had checked his phone for the 123rd time now.

No message?

No call?


Had she forgotten that she had a life here too?

Aryan wondered while packing his essentials for the trip. He had stuffed his bag with traditional cloths so that he dosen't feel like an odd one out in the village.

 Well...... village people won't figure it out that he was rich by the stuff of the cloths?

For them it was all same maybe. Suit of 200 or 20,000. Same thing. His cloths looked simple to him.

He checked his phone again now.

Nothing but a message from di. He open that.

Didi: We know what are you packing for. Missing her? 

Didi:Don't worry we won't interfare. We are going to the temple anyway. But remember, villagers are very protective of their daughters. If they caught you staring at her, they will take your eyes of. Remember whose daughter she is. And one thing more. idontwanttobeabuasosoon.


Ugh. Sibligngs are the worst.

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