Chapter 10

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"What are you doing here?" Imlie asked.

"You know him?" Satyakam and Nani asked.

"Yes, he is my Boss Babu and friend remember dadda I told you about him in the morning."

"Yes I do remember turning to Aryan so why come here, to meet my daughter."

"Yes.. um- no actually she told me that there was a village fair here so I thought to come here I was free from work for a few days. And I thought that I could just spend some time here and enjoy this fair". With Imlie. "It's all so beautiful."

Satyakam was not convinced by the statement He sensed something fishy in this guy and he was a city dweller. No matter if Imlie trusted him he won't make the same mistake again as he did 20 years ago. He signaled to Nani.

Ok so come let me show you around Nani grabbed his hand almost making him fall Imlie tried to control her laugh despite all her worries. Nani took Aryan from there while he looked visibly disappointed. He wanted to spend time with Imlie and maybe, confess his feelings to her.

Satyakam looked at Imlie trying to register the expression on her face. He saw that she was a little upset and that she had a sudden glow on her face after seeing that guy. Satyakam was concerned for his daughter the way he was concerned for Meethi years ago.

"What happened why are you sad did you want to go with him?"

"No dadda I-"



"Yes, Go. Show him the village."

He knew that now he was not the same Satyakam anymore. He trusted his daughter and he knew that if someone hurt his daughter he would not spare the person.

"Come back by 8 pm"

Thank you dadda

Imlie Ran away from there as if her life depended on it.

Nani eyed Aryan with a mixture of suspicion and curiosity, her words sharp and direct as she tried to get some information out of him.

"So, city boy, what's your story? What brings you to our humble village?"

"Um, well, Nani ji, I... I come from the city. I'm... I'm looking for... something different."

"Different? And what exactly do you expect to find here?"

Aryan hesitated, unsure of what to say.

"I... I'm not entirely sure, Nani ji. But... but I feel drawn to Pagdandiya. There's a... a sense of... of peace here that I haven't found anywhere else."

Everyone knows your sense of peace!

"Peace, huh? But let me warn you, life in Pagdandiya is not as simple as it may seem."

Aryan nodded.

" So, Are you married?"

Aryan was taken aback by such question. And then immediately realized the reason behind it.

"No, but I am committed."

When he saw that Nani didn't understood, he continued, "Meaning that I  have decided with whom I want to spend my life with. She is beautiful, smart and i am sure that my family will love her too. I am committed to her."

"Oh Really? You never told me about that." 

There stood the love of his life, but she was some what hurt and disappointed.

So she heard it and maybe, misunderstood him.



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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09 ⏰

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