a/n: Version Intégrale

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Ok guys it's been like two months and I just want to inform you about something.

Firstly, I'm not like done with the collection or deleting it all together but because of school and some personal reasons you should barely expect an update until 15th of June.

I mainly post because I wanna inform you that I've made my first acc managing"blog" on this account Version Intégrale were I'm gonna post spoilers and things related to FMR and other books (idk go read the description there bc I suck at explaining) so if you want to, add it in your library or check now and then

Lastly, that's low-key more of a me problem but I feel like saying it. I partly ghosted the book because I was kind of disappointed that I didn't receive any feedback on my latest chapter tbh (which will have no pt.2 btw).

Now, I don't wanna blame people for being bored to comment or sound mad and full of myself, since I think that both of us are well aware that I'm endlessly grateful for the time everyone pours on these -dare to say- goofy stories but yeah it really is saddening when something you put up your hopes on doesn't do as expected because I really do kinda rely on your criticism to ameliorate my content.

Nevertheless, still glad that like 500+ people read it, don't get me wrong and I wanna thank you for the 42k reads & 500+ votes too. I'd never imagine in my humble beginnings (like a year ago) that this book that had barely 1k for like months would go this far.

Anyway, if you're reached here, thanks for waisting your time reading circa 300 words and I hope you have a pleasant week and the best of luck in case it's exam season for you too.

strawberry cheshi

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