School Drama

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These past couple of days have been amazing. Spending so much time with my family and Kathrine is something that I needed. This is the most content I have been in my life. But at the same time, I feel like we are being watched. Not all the time, just when we feed. Like someone has been tracking us. I don't know, maybe I am paranoid. I know it was my idea to go back to school to help Jasper, but there are days that I regret it. This is one of thoes days.

Kathrine: Come on babe. Why won't you get up?

Me: Honestly I feel like something bad is going to happen soon.

Kathrine: What do you mean?

Me: I feel like someone has been watching us feed. I can feel them.

Kathrine: Is it the same way when you say you can feel me?

Me: Well yes and no. I can sense people, more I can catch their scent. So if there is a scent around me that I know wasn't around me before, I know someone else is near. With you, it is different. I mean I know your scent, but I can feel you too. It is like a warmth that gets closer as you get closer. Does that make sense?

Kathrine: Actually, yes. I can't say I have felt it every time but I have felt it.

Me: If you concentrate on feeling it throughout the day your body will take over. You won't need to think about it. You will just be able to feel me naturally.

Kathrine: Supernatural things confuse me. *She laughs*

Me: You are supernatural. *I laugh with her*

Kathrine: Exactly. Anyway, get up. We've got to go.

Me: Alright alright. Lets go. *I don't feel like dressing in my normal attire, so I just throw on some boxers, black sweats, a white shirt, and my Jordan 1's.* Ready?

Kathrine: Yes, lets go.

We arrive at lunch time like usual and meet our family at the table. When we get there is someone new. The girl that came over the other week. Bella I think was her name. I look at Edward and smirk. I see you have found you mate brother. I am happy for you. I say in my head so only he can hear me. He smiles and nods his head letting me know that he heard me.

Me: Miss Swan, it is nice to see you again.

Bella: Bella is fine. Planning to eat me again? *She says jokingly*

Me: Oh no, I only eat one person at this table. *I kiss the side of Kathrine's head as her face gets red and go get us food. By food I mean going to get our water bottles that have blood in it from out of the car. I get back and give it to her and she thanks me*

Kathrine: What did we miss?

Bekah: Well Bella's friends think that it is the coolest thing in the world that her and Edward are seeing each other.

Alice: Just her friends? The whole school is talking about it. I am surprised that you guys didn't hear everyone as y'all walked in.

Me: Oh I did. I have just been ignoring it. I knew that Bella was eyeing Edward from the beginning. I heard her conversation with her friends. I was just waiting on it to happen.

Kathrine: Yes, and I am glad it did so she will stop talking about it. She was more invested in it then they were.

Me: I was not!

Kathrine: Baby, you were.

Me: Was not. *I cross my arms*

Kathrine: Will you grab me an apple? A green one if they have it.

Me: Of course. Be right back.

Kol: I am coming too. I want to see if they have pineapples.

Me: Ok. *we walk over to the fruit station and grab a couple of apples. As I am doing this two girls walk up to us*

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