Chapter Six

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**** Slight changes to this chapter ****

The house cleaner gave us a knowing look as she entered, and we slipped out this morning

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The house cleaner gave us a knowing look as she entered, and we slipped out this morning. We decided to treat ourselves last night, ordering a few treats - pieces of cake and ice cream. Meylin and I ended up having a rough tug of war with the hotel linens, followed by a brutal pillow fight, with our laughter filling the room.

I just wanted my daughter and I to have a little excitement for a change. I'm always stressed out, and I know she notices even when I don't want her to. So, last night, we had a little fun and left an awful mess in the hotel room.

While I'm usually one to tidy up after a mess, the combination of the sugar rush and the chaotic game night caused us to drift into a deep slumber. As a result, I woke up slightly later than intended on my first day of work, inadvertently leaving our mess untouched.

Let me tell you, preparing a child in record time when you're already running late is no easy task. And this child, well, she's no ordinary kid; she's a miniature diva of my own making. Her outfit must be the epitome of cuteness, flawlessly coordinated from her suitcase, right down to her meticulously styled hair.

Yesterday happened to be my designated hair wash day. After carefully combing and moisturizing my hair, I opted for a practical approach - twisting it into roughly 15 jumbo twists and securing it with my silk scarf and bonnet before going to bed. This routine ensured that I could easily wake up and style the twists into a gorgeous updo.

Mey, on the other hand, inherited her father's hair texture. Despite being as thick as mine, hers doesn't follow the same 4B curl pattern. Her waves cascade down her back, exuding a certain charm. She wears a bonnet at night, but any hairstyle I craft for her can't withstand her nighttime thrashing, leaving her bonnet halfway across the room and her hair in a tangled mess. So, I've come to realize that I must invest the time each morning to do her hair, or she saunters around with a wild case of bedhead.

The fashion show lineup is set for today. It's the initial gathering, where models, hair and makeup artists, designers, stage and light crew, and security converge before the show in two weeks.

Meylin is here with me; I can't leave her alone at the hotel. The risk of her ordering endless room service and engaging in phone conversations with who-knows-who is just too high. So far, she's been on her best behavior. Granted, that's because I handed her my phone to keep her occupied. It manages to keep her mostly quiet, thankfully.

Each makeup and hair professional is paired with a distinct designer model. I've got the responsibility of prepping ten models for a two-hour event. It might not sound like much but conjuring up hairstyles and glamour to complement ten unique costumes, all while keeping the designers content, is an intricate dance.

This is a fantastic opportunity, one I can't afford to mess up. It's what I've poured my heart and soul into for the past eight years. The exposure and the possibility of Mey and I escaping the cycle of struggle have been on my mind the entire plane ride here. That, and Meylin's father. Here in Miami, where the Reed family's reach stretches across numerous properties.

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