Quick Note:

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Alright guys get excited! This is the final book and this time I mean it. Back when I was writing the ending for book 3 I knew I wanted to continue writing another 2 books one being 4 and the other being a: Snake Pit files book like secrets in the Snake Pit but after finishing 4 I thought I would be satisfied but I wasn't instead I had a nagging feeling, a feeling that I wanted to do more. I still had things I wanted to do, characters to play with, ideas to execute and most importantly plot points I wanted to explore, things I wanted to do in the last book but didn't get to. And for a while I took a break but like Iron Man I realized I didn't want to stop because I couldn't.

So now with Book 5 this is it no more in this series and who knows maybe I'll start a new one....

But for right now I want to end it right and the only way I can do that is to ask you guys what you want in this. I will admit I haven't started writing yet and probably won't for a while which is why it is important for you guys to comment what you want because so far I have:

Valt, Sasha and Romance
Free, Lui, Shu,
Higher stakes than last time
New upgrades
And death :] (because let's be honest I went too easy on you guys in the last book)

And many more surprises for this final that I can't reveal but overall the goal of this book is to end it right and to have you the readers be wowed and one last thing this is why some of the fun facts are out of order I deleted them for this book a long time ago so now....

Welcome to Book 5

Coming soon...

Valt Aoi & Shu Kurenai: (Book 5/ Epilogue) The Last LegacyWhere stories live. Discover now