Ep 17: The Pool

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Under the radiant sun, the gang of blades gathered at the pool, ready for an afternoon of fun, relaxation and a much-needed break from the intense battles. Laughter and excitement filled the air as they entered the massive pool area.

Valt and Sasha were the first to arrive, holding hands as they walked in feeling the warmth of the sun and their romance. The sun shined brightly and the water sparkled invitingly as no other guests were at the pool yet.

As they found a quiet spot to lay their towels by the pool, Sasha looked into Valt's eyes, her heart pounding with nervous anticipation. She took a deep breath, gathering her strength and courage to say what she had been wanting to say for a while.

"So what is it you wanted to talk about?" Valt said smiling, staring into her eyes.

She stood up straighter, nervous.

"Valt, there's actually something I've been meaning to ask you," Sasha began, her cheeks turning slightly pink.

Valt, oblivious, turned to her with a curious expression.

"What is it, Sasha?

But just as the words were about to leave her lips, Aiger, Drum and Xander jumped into the water splashing each other, causing water droplets to go flying everywhere in all directions causing Sasha and Valt to instantly get wet.

Sasha's sun hat was sopping wet covering her face as the splash from Aiger and Drum's playful water fight caught her off guard. Valt started to laugh at the sudden interruption and not long after that she joined in as well, trying her best to hide her disappointment.

"HEY! You're going to get me sopping wet!" Wakiya's annoyed voice rang out from the other side of the pool, where he was diligently working on his tan. "Do you want me to get burnt?!" Wakiya was always particular about taking care of himself and his appearance, and he wasn't about to let anyone ruin his plans for a perfect tan.

Beside Wakiya, Rantaro was also caught in the splashing frenzy while leisurely sunbathing. His cool and carefree demeanor didn't change as he got wet, but he couldn't resist joining in on the fun.

"Oh okay, that is it! You guys are so going to pay for that!" Rantaro declared, his playful grin lighting up his face as he seized a nearby water gun and jumped into the fray. His competitive spirit kicked in, and he wasted no time in retaliating, aiming the water gun at Aiger and Drum, soaking them in return, laughing and chasing each other around the pool.

Soon the poolside turned into a water battle zone, with water flying in every direction and laughter echoing through the air.

Meanwhile, with everyone distracted Shu had found a pool floatie nearby, had carefully slipped on the other side of the pool and had been floating enjoying the calmness of the water over on his side. Sunglasses up, drink in hand, his eyes closed as he embraced the tranquility of the moment, this was looking like a great tournament for him.

After a while the splash fight had moved toward his area of tranquility. However the hot tub beckoned him, and he decided to move there for a while, savoring the warmth and letting the water soothe his muscles.

If any of his fangirls had been there they would've been screaming and relishing in the fact that Shu Kurenai was in a hot tub. The rest of the pool however could care less.

Valt however, looked around at the joyful chaos surrounding him, and he couldn't help but smile at the sight of his friends having so much fun. The pool area was packed with bladers, some diving off the high board, others holding jumping contests, and a few even daring to conquer the massive, winding water slide.

Delta, Silas, Free, Wakiya, Fubuki, Toko, and even Diago had joined in on the fun making Valt smile, each adding their unique charm to the mix.

As the afternoon went on, they started a chicken fight, with Wakiya and Rantaro forming one team, Sasha and Valt forming the other. Fubuki and Drum however wanted to join in but waited as Fubuki played the ref.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2023 ⏰

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