Ep 8: The Meeting Part 2

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The news hit the Legends like a shockwave, each blader reacting in their own way. Valt, lost in his thoughts, contemplated the possibility of quitting, but ultimately decided to keep his thoughts to himself. This conversation didn't need to escalate into a fight, but deep down he knew it would.

Silent murmurs filled the room as the bladers grappled with the weight of the situation. Their hopes and dreams seemed to hang in the balance, threatened by the potential closure of the WBBA. Valt looked around, his gaze falling upon his fellow bladers who were also contemplating their own paths.

"The WBBA shutting down? This can't be happening," one blader exclaimed.

"Is this really the end of the blading world?" another questioned, their voice filled with apprehension.

Taiga's words reverberated through the room, casting a sense of urgency and fear over the assembled bladers. Valt could sense the mixture of determination and fear that radiated from each person. The room buzzed with a palpable energy, everyone processing the news in their own way.

But for Valt, there was an added layer of complexity. This was exactly what Theodore had wanted, to bring an end to blading and destroy it. However, he hadn't anticipated it happening like this. The thought of quitting crossed Valt's mind, but he chose to hold his opinion within.

"This is ridiculous, I don't care if the WBBA is shutting down or going to the moon. I'll still keep blading." Lui scoffed turning away

"Yeah! Right, Wakiya?" Drum joined in with Silas nodding his head

"Of course, I am not stopping just because one tournament goes bad, that's on you and not my problem." Wakyia proclaimed.

"I don't know guys, I think maybe...we should quit after everything that's happened with Phi..." Aiger threw out shuddering at the dark power

"He's right," Rantaro added, turning Shu and Valt's attention and most of the room's as other conversations carried on.

"This power...it's not healthy and as much as I want to be the best I don't want to pay the price again." he said thinking of being imprisoned in the basement corrupted by Brown Eye.

"And besides I have my acting and singing career to think about." Zac added

"They're right, the power is too tempting.... besides what do you two think about it?" Gwynn asked turning everyone's attention onto Valt and Shu

The room silenced awaiting their answer.

"I think maybe it would be good to quit and take a break from blading for a while." Shu said

"Besides I think everyone has had enough of the dark power." Shu finished bitterly.

"And Valt?" Gwynn asked with everyone else looking at him including Taiga and Kris.

All eyes were on Valt as he struggled to get out an answer looking at each person before he stopped on Shu.

"I want to quit... but it wouldn't be right...we brought this power into the world so it's right we take responsibility for it and learn what we can from the dark power."

"Guys, the WBBA is considering shutting down, that doesn't mean it's going to happen. The fear surrounding blading and its potential dangers has raised concerns about the future of our organization. Yes Delta, what is it?" Taiga said

Delta who had been quiet the entire time lowered his hand looking at Taiga, curious

"You mentioned a tournament?"

Taiga nodded, his expression serious. "Yes, there is a new tournament coming up. With Phi's interference in basically "rigging or cheating" the previous one this will potentially be the last International Bladers Cup. All of your presences are mandatory and are not up for discussion. However there will be some new bladers on the roster this year including Fubuki."

Valt Aoi & Shu Kurenai: (Book 5/ Epilogue) The Last LegacyOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant