Ep 13: The Island!

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The next morning, Valt had managed to get some sleep but it wasn't a full restful night of sleep.

For the majority of the night his mind was preoccupied with thoughts of Theodore, his powers, and what this meant for him. The fact that Theodore in theory could do anything if he was around the right people was both intriguing and terrifying.

But because of his corruption and maybe the power itself he'd gone insane.

Throughout the night, Shu and Valt had engaged in deep discussions, ultimately spending most of the night talking, trying to make sense of Theodore's actions and motives. However, glancing at the clock's time, Shu wisely suggested they retire to bed, putting a temporary pause on their speculations.

But waking up, Valt's mind was still consumed with questions about why Theodore had given him his power. As he joined Shu and the others downstairs for breakfast, he made a mental note to seek answers later.

For right now he had a tournament to focus on. Everyone wanted to be number one and it was up to him to defend his title.

"Good morning, bladers." Kris came in wearing a smile as she stood at the front of the room beside Taiga.

"Before we embark on this thrilling tournament we have a few essential matters to cover. First and foremost, I'd like to extend a warm welcome to those of you who are setting foot on this beautiful island for the first time. It is a place of wonder and excitement and we want you to fully experience its beauty.

Today, we have an exciting tour planned, where we'll explore the vast expanse of the magnificent resort that serves as our hotel and base for the tournament. However it is crucial to note that everything beyond the designated areas and tour destinations are strictly off-limits including the amusement park the plane passed by when we were landing. It is worth noting that for the finale the final battle will be held on top of the mountain."

At the mention of the amusement park, Drum, Aiger and Rantaro deflated in disappointment but Kris continued on with a reassuring smile.

"I know it might be disappointing, but we must uphold the rules and maintain a fair playing ground for everyone. Bladers found venturing into restricted zones may face consequences, even the possibility of elimination from the tournament. Let's remember the journey we're all on is not just about competing but also about honor and respect.

Luckily the resort we're staying in offers a myriad of activities and amenities to make your free time enjoyable and unforgettable including the resort's large pool, ATV rides and other activities. From thrilling adventures like parasailing to serene relaxation spots such as the restaurant on the beach there's something for everyone. Take this opportunity to recharge and bond with your fellow Legends.

Now one last thing before I hand things over to Taiga, it is worth noting the tournament will have a surprise this year for those participating."

At the mention of this Lui smile and his eyes narrowed as if he knew something they all didn't.

"Now then, Taiga will lead you on a tour with his profound knowledge and countless visits to this place he will help you explore the hidden gems of this enchanting island. Take in the breathtaking sights, feel the pulse of the island's energy,"

Wait, what did she say? Valt thought perking up

"I hope you all have a wonderful time and good luck! Three...two...one...Let it Rip!"

Valt stood up as everyone was ushered towards the awaiting vans but as he tried to pull Kris aside he was instead last into the van forced to sit in a lone seat near the van's door.

Valt Aoi & Shu Kurenai: (Book 5/ Epilogue) The Last LegacyWhere stories live. Discover now