Ep 3: The Ring

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Okay guys next episode! I promise after this chapter there will be more fun chapters and there will be less chapters than the last book but in return they will be longer...also chapters with: ! Are more fun centered episodes while those without aren't. Enjoy!

Dashing through the relentless rain, their footsteps splashing in the puddles of water, Valt and Shu dashed, focused in pursuit of an unruly dark blader, flinging trash cans and creating obstacles in a desperate attempt to shake off his relentless pursuers

As they navigated the town, the bustling cityscape transformed into a quaint hometown, where the glow of open signs and colorful umbrellas illuminated their path. Despite the rain pouring down, Valt and Shu pressed on, their focus solely on the blader and the need to stop the chase as they dodged people and obstacles.

Having traveled the world together for some time now, Valt and Shu had been solely focused on helping bladers across the world in gaining control over their dark power. Along with reviving the blading world from Phi and Theodore's reign.

Together with Shu's wealth of experience and Valt's profound knowledge, they had successfully guided and supported numerous bladers along their journey. But, in their efforts in restoring balance and rebuilding the blading world to its former glory, the weight of their responsibilities had grown heavy leaving them yearning for a vacation, a break from fixing the blading world.

The WBBA had recognized and invited the duo on a vacation as a reward for everything.

However, little did they know that their unintentional introduction of the dark power had set the stage for a new era—the Dark Era in the blading world. In this era, the dark power reigned supreme, overshadowing the once harmonious concept of Resonance.

Up ahead the dark blader turned into an alleyway leaving him cornered in a dead end.

"It's over now, Diago please just stop running we..we can help you control the dark power"

Taking off his hood, Diago Kurogami looked at the duo with a tense expression revealing a battered figure adorned with various injuries, struggling to maintain his balance. Yet, an ominous aura of dark purple resonance enveloped his form.

"Valt, Shu... What brings you here?" Diago questioned, with a mixture of surprise and weariness etched across his face.

"We're here for you, Diago. We're here to guide you and help you find control within the darkness," Valt responded earnestly, his voice filled with unwavering support.

As Valt stepped closer to Diago Shu narrowed his eyes calling onto his power making his eyes glow red along with his figure.

"Valt, it's not only him. This overwhelming power we've been tracking is emanating from somewhere else... wherever Diago was just now," Shu stated, his voice tinged with concern. "I sense a substantial presence of the dark power nearby, but it's not solely originating from one blader as we initially thought. It's all coming from one place."

Valt turned back to Diago, concerned. "Diago, Please you need to tell us what's going on, where is all of that power coming from? We need to know."

"How did you know where to find me?" Diago countered dark power building around his figure

In his hand Shu noticed Phobia Doomsizer feeding Diago's dark power, Shu narrowed his eyes uneasy. Phobia Doomsizer had been entered into the World Championship last year but unlike the previous years Theodore and Phi had ruined everything turning Diago and countless other bladers to their side.

And now seeing Diago with the same bey he once held when he was corrupted, he didn't like it at all. He figured, Diago being rational would've upgraded his bey or abandoned it but the fact that he still had it concerned Shu alot.

Valt Aoi & Shu Kurenai: (Book 5/ Epilogue) The Last LegacyWhere stories live. Discover now