Ep 2: The Vistor Part 2

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2 years later...

Under the cover of the night, below the WBBA a single, lonesome figure walked with his footsteps echoing in the cold hallway in the company of the darkness. At this time of night, to save money the WBBA often kept all of its lights off in order to save money but the camera's however...

Calling onto his power a black aura surrounded the figure making his eyes glow as a long black tentacle of power stretched and crushed all of the cameras in a single instant.

Pieces of glass littered the floor causing the figure at the end of the hallway to stir within the single cell that stood at the end. Which defined the start and end of the new maximum security wing that also was meant to serve as solitary confinement for its only prisoner.

Nearing the figure, he could hear faint talking emanating from the cell as he picked up on the broadcast coming from a small television

"...to you live from the Dread Tower, they have just announced the death of Hyde, the Dark Prince of Beyblade, this will undoubtedly create shockwaves throughout the blading world. In a statement from the Dread Tower they said Hyde..."

The screen winked out as the figure in the cell was gripping the remote control, his face and expression masked by shadows.

"They're saying he died peacefully in his sleep, Phi; him and the director of the WBBA both presumed dead without any struggle in their demise. But that isn't true, we alone know the truth. It was your power that extinguished their lives, a testament to the darkness that already engulfs your being." he coldly remarked, his voice devoid of emotion.

Theodore Glass turned away from the television, fixing his gaze at Phi. His expression was a mixture of surprise and disappointment as he set the remote down on a nearby table. His face was neutral but his body betrayed him, tense with anticipation towards the idea of Phi's overwhelming power and its consequences.

"And in doing so, you have become the embodiment of what I warned you about last year in the World Championship. For when you turned your power against Hyde, you overwhelmed him with your power and killed him. Now facing the consequences only the soul-devouring abyss awaits you with no hope for mercy or redemption as you've only sped up your descent into eternal darkness."

"However..., it seems Phi has been gone in that body for a long time now just like Hyde said back in the World Championships...you're Phoenix...you became your bit beast the minute you lost your humanity" Theodore finished.

Phi only smiled at Theodore's revelation as he was finally catching onto the game he was playing.

Gathering himself, he stood up straight, looking more like one of the world's most powerful bladers and not a prisoner

"Now then, what are you doing here Phi? I thought you were dead," he asked with a hint of curiosity as he clasped his hands behind his back.

"It's amusing, looking back on it now, you once proposed a partnership. A promise that we could both reap the benefits," Phi mused a twisted smirk growing on his face. "But I guess you could say I have...unfinished business and not all of Phoenix's powers have been revealed....However, it appears that yours have reached their waning twilight."

Theodore's eyes widened for a moment, then returned to normal. Phi's observation was indeed correct; his power had been dampened for a while now. But little did Phi know that in his two years of imprisonment, Theodore had come to understand the true nature of the dark power.

The undeniable truth was, that power that had once driven him to help young bladers had been tainted, twisting his intentions, warping his perception and there was no denying it had been leading him down a path of destruction and despair. Lives had been shattered, and the weight of those consequences weighed heavily on his shoulders.

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