Ep 12: The Airport! Part 2

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Warning really longggggg chapter! Enjoy :)

Valt awoke to the crack of thunder, rubbing his eyes and glancing out the window. The sky was a dark shade of blue, and rain hammered against the airplane's windows.

"What time is it?" Valt asked, still feeling groggy from his nap.

"You've slept for most of the flight. We should be landing soon. We're currently two hours away," Shu replied, as if he could read Valt's thoughts. He, too, looked out the window, observing the storm.

"Two hours..." Valt mumbled to himself, trying to shake off the drowsiness.

Shu continued, "They also mentioned something about a celebratory dinner, parade, fireworks, dancers, and a grand welcome into the tournament when we land. This island doesn't see that much excitement, so having us come in is kind of a big deal for them."

"And the storm?"

"It'll just barely miss us. Thankfully, it hasn't caused any delays. However, the pilots will have to stay on the island for a few days until it passes."

Valt nodded his head, still groggy. Shu turned to Valt, it was clear that he hadn't slept well, his eyes betraying the unease he felt while watching the rain outside.

"I had another nightmare," Valt said, causing Shu to tense up, but he didn't say anything in response.

"In the dream, Phi and Theodore were there. Phi only appeared briefly, but Theodore looked at me and said, 'Keep what is mine."

​​"Keep what is mine..." Shu repeated, lost in thought. "Phi could control the weather, couldn't he? Aiger told me about that during the battleship cruise. But Theodore..." Shu trailed off, unsure where his thoughts were leading.

"There have been rumors of bladers getting visions on airplanes, something about the energy in the air..."

"That's not all, Shu. My powers were glitching again, growing out of control like when I had Phi's power."

"Like before you were...corrupted."

"No this is different, it's almost...I think it has to do with Theodore, not Phi."

"Taiga did say Phi was alive, didn't he?"

"I don't know, Shu. It could be nothing. Maybe we're reading too much into it."

Shu thought to himself, "I don't care, Valt. I don't want to hesitate again when you were almost corrupted."

"What did you guys say about blader powers?"

Sasha popped up from one of the seats behind them as the room noticeably grew a little quieter at the mention of blader powers.

"It's nothing, Sasha."

"Wait so Valt I've been meaning to ask you," Sasha said jumping into the conversation while Honey continued watching a movie "Has Valtryek really become the fastest bey in the world? And does that mean Valtryek's speed is linked to your blader power?"

"Yeah, they had me come in one day to do some tests on it, but I've never thought about it like that. I mean for a while, I always thought when Theodore was good and he worked with me last year at the World Championships that it was the golden power but it turned out to be Free protecting me and then Hyper Flux..."

"Then the orange power is how we all share the power, amplify that power and the white resonance is the result of that power...but I do think you're right Sasha. Raul and I have been working together for a while now and we do think it is linked to our blader powers."

Valt Aoi & Shu Kurenai: (Book 5/ Epilogue) The Last LegacyWhere stories live. Discover now