Ep 10: Taiga's Story

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In the realm where darkness reigned supreme, where reality blends into a surreal landscape, the world becomes monochromatic, losing its color and joy fading into a pure white.

Whispers echoed throughout the air, chittering, their indistinguishable chatter heightening the sense of despair.

In the midst of this ethereal and dark place, Phi stood an enigmatic figure with an aura of malevolence. His gaze was fixed on his open palm, where a black, purple and red bey materialized into existence with a shimmering sheen and a prominent Phoenix.

A wicked smile danced upon his lips as he looked down at the bey with his smile reflecting back as he took in Phoenix's newest reincarnation.

"Void Phoenix," he murmured, his voice carrying a sense of anticipation and thirst.

It was in that moment Phi had achieved the unimaginable, merging the powers of various legendary and ancient beys. Combining the forces of Amaterios, Hades and Phoenix to forge the ultimate bey, a creation that embodied the dark void itself.


After the Legends meeting concluded, a few hours had passed. Now in the dimly lit barn, Aiger found himself leaning against the rough wooden walls, his gaze fixated on his father, Taiga. Shu and Valt stood nearby, intrigued by the conversation that was unfolding.

"You know what I'm still stuck on... the fact that Theodore bought an island?" Aiger remarked, his voice full of surprise and the lack of it "I knew he was rich, but I didn't know he was that rich..."

Taiga offered a small smile, correcting his son's assumption. "Part of an island," he clarified. "He was always a real estate mogul when he wasn't busy with his inventions... You should have seen his house. Now, that was impressive."

This comment sparked Shu's curiosity "Wait, you've been to his house?"

Taiga nodded, memories from the past surfacing in his mind. "A long time ago, in fact... Theodore and I used to be friends."

The news sent shockwaves through the small group, particularly Aiger, who couldn't hide his surprise at the fact that his dad had basically been friends with a supervillain and tyrant.

Taiga chuckled a little to himself at their dumbfounded expression and continued, "Once, we had Theodore over to our house for a barbecue. Back then, he was quiet, shy, and lacking in confidence. He had no clue where he was going in life."

"That's like inviting Hitler over for a book club," Aiger commented, scoffing at the idea.

"Wait, Theodore was shy? And timid? Taiga, are you sure we're talking about the same person?" Valt asked, curious. "The Theodore I knew was none of those things, he was scary, intimidating and always planned ten steps in advance.... he wasn't shy."

"But guys you have to understand," Taiga spoke with a sad tone, "Theodore is only one example of what has happened to bladers after their prime. Power can change people for better or worse. Phi can also be considered another example."

Everyone immediately stiffened up at the mere mention of Phi.

"But you guys need to keep in mind...most older bladers didn't end up well...Yes, you all have heard of Theodore, but he is a rare case. Most never hang onto their power and end up retiring, wishing to never hear the word 'Beyblade' again.

The gravity of Taiga's words hung in the air, the reality of the blading world sinking in for all of them. As they exchanged glances, each blader silently contemplated the uncertain future that awaited them on their own paths, one that could potentially lead them down a similar dark and winding road.

Valt Aoi & Shu Kurenai: (Book 5/ Epilogue) The Last LegacyWhere stories live. Discover now