Regular day?

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Made this in 2015, I thought I was going to edit this. Now I'm deciding not to, so I'm republishing it.

Hey, Nova here, just wanna say hi. Well Hi! I'm nine years old, i have silvery blues, and long curly blonde hair, I'm 5'4 and I work for a mob boss in Gotham, his name is Maroni to be exact. I've been working for him since I was four, I think. I'm his maid, and he puts my life on the line when he makes deals with the other mobsters of Gotham.

"Nova!!" Maroni yells. Oops well gotta go. I run into the meeting which is being held in a kitchen in an old abandoned warehouse. He's at a meeting filled with other mob bosses.

"Yes, sir?" I ask politely, while shaking. Just so you know I'm terrified of Maroni. The others laughed at my discomfort.

"Get us some drinks, girly!" Maroni snarled waving his hand.

I nodded,"Yes,sir."

I ran to the far back of the kitchen to get their drinks with the help of Maria one of the maids Maroni hired.

"Thank you Maria." I say to her.

"Your welcome." She said.

I went back out and gave them their drinks, as I was leaving I heard the door to the warehouse opening followed by dark laughter. I turned around and saw THE Joker, he was wearing his purple suit, had his dyed green hair, I could tell his real hair color was brown, because I could see some brown at the root of his head.

His face was covered in white makeup and had black shadow around his eyes, his lips were red, and his scars, well they looked healed but not by much. Everyone looked at each other to see if this was really happening, I stood there in shock, THE joker just waltzed up in here like he owns the place, and then he started to talk.

Agent of Chaos' Daughter[#wattys2015]Where stories live. Discover now